Tales from the Dead Man Inn Page 11
“Yes. Pull his limbs off before you go, Vinny,” Quint turned to Worm. “Maybe this will teach you to mind your tongue.” Worm managed three running steps before Quint called out, “Worm, freeze in place and do not fight back.”
Freezing in place at the command, Worm seethed. His hatred for the Summoner mounted as he watched Vinny saunter toward him. He gulped once when Vinny picked him up with a casual show of strength.
“Now, what was that about my wife earlier?” Vinny chuckled darkly as he reached for Worm’s legs.
Eyes blazing, Worm spat a mouthful of phlegm into Vinny’s eyes. He couldn’t fight back, but he hadn’t been told to do nothing. His act of defiance made Vinny drop him in surprise. As his feet touched the ground, the sand gave way beneath him and Worm was suddenly falling down a sloping shaft. As he came out of the sloped tunnel, he rolled, coming to rest next to a very big spider.
Gulping, Worm met the gaze of the Dune Matriarch with a look of abject terror. He wasn’t allowed to speak, move, or fight back, which meant he was about to die. As he lay there waiting for the spider to kill him, he heard a faint voice calling him.
“Worm, get back up here right now,” Quint yelled down at him.
Able to move again, Worm scrambled back up the tunnel as fast as he could. He heard the spider behind him shift its bulk. The Matriarch was easily five times the size of the regular Dune Spiders. As he darted up the tunnel to the surface, Worm wondered how the Matriarch was going to follow him.
He was snatched up by Vinny as he burst out of the hole. Vinny growled at him, eyes blazing. “I’m going to do this slowly,” the Destroyer told the Imp.
“Vinny, hold,” Quint sighed. “Worm, tell me what you saw down there.”
Free to talk, Worm felt only resentment toward the Summoner. So he lied, while telling the truth. “A single spider. I don’t know if it will come up.”
Quint shrugged, “A single spider is no threat. Vinny, kill him.”
With a snarl, Vinny ripped a leg from Worm’s body. Worm screamed when his leg came free, the pain horrid. As the Destroyer grabbed his other leg, Worm prayed to the Dark Lord for deliverance.
Almost as if in answer to his prayers, the Dune Matriarch burst from the ground. Five Dune Spiders followed the Matriarch by a fraction of a second, surfacing all around the Summoner and Infernals. Quint’s eyes went wide when he saw the mass of spiders.
“Vinny, stop fucking around with Worm. Hold the spiders so I can escape,” Quint yelled as he turned to run.
Vinny taunted the Matriarch, bashed one of the Dune Spiders, and slashed another one. That left three spiders untouched, which all chased after Quint. When Vinny moved to try and stop them, Worm grabbed his legs.
“Help me,” Worm managed to say with a bloody grin, his life all but gone. He knew he was hindering Vinny, which meant the other spiders would catch Quint.
Vinny glanced down with a snarl, “Get off me!” With a brutal kick, Worm was tossed away from Vinny’s legs. While Vinny was distracted by the Imp, the Matriarch and the two guards he’d hit sank their fangs into him.
Worm lay there with a sliver of life left, watching as the spiders made short work of Vinny, followed just a moment later by Quint’s death at their fangs. When Quint died, Worm vanished from Alpha World to reappear on the Infernal plane. His body was whole once again, health and mana refilled. A pop-up hovered before his eyes:
Summoner Quint Tigereye has died the final death, your bond is broken.
You are now a free Imp ready for a new master.
Falling to his knees in thanks, Worm laughed, “Thank you, Dark Lord, thank you.”
Bob shivered in his seat, banishing the memory once more. He looked up and saw that Tiny had Rachel draped across his lap. “Err, oh. Guess you’re distracted, huh?”
“It’s fine,” Rachel replied, smiling at him. “I was only able to distract my husband for a short bit.”
“Wish I could get distracted like that,” Bob groused. “I’ve never been asked to be a husband, and every Succubus I’ve asked has turned me down as well.”
“Your time will come,” Rachel answered as she got to her feet. “After all, you two have been going on and on about how Alburet is unique. That will surely help your reputation here.”
“He is unique,” Tiny rumbled. “He bound a Half-blood.”
“Stacia, yea. She’s a fine piece to boot,” Bob added, “in either of her forms. He’s also just gotten a quest from the Dark Lord himself, for the armor set. Alburet got three pieces of it and the Dark Lord spoke through me.”
Rachel froze in place, “What?”
“He has Demon Lord armor, and has the quest line from it,” Bob replied with a huge grin.
Rachel sat down hard next to Tiny, her head shaking back and forth slightly. “If that’s true, then—” She was interrupted by a knock at the door. Gulping, she got up to answer it. A Destroyer Lord stood in the doorway. “Can I help you?”
“Tiny and Bob are called. Mother wishes to speak to them,” the Destroyer rumbled in a very scratchy voice that was as deep as it could reach.
Tiny got to his feet, Bob following him. “We hear and will obey,” Tiny rumbled. The Infernals followed the Destroyer, Tiny pausing only to kiss Rachel briefly.
They were led through the city to the walls of the Dark Lord’s Castle. Eyeing the Imp Lords and Destroyer Lords they passed, the pair followed as they had been instructed. They wound up in a parlor room with two Succubi Ladies waiting on them.
Bob drooled at the sight of the Succubi, who seemed eager to assist them with anything. Just as Bob was starting to wonder to what extent he could take their eager willingness, the door opened and the most perfect woman Bob could ever imagine entered the room.
Her unblemished pale skin was offset by lustrous black hair that flowed down past her waist. Carmine red lips curved in a gentle smile and her green eyes were emeralds shining with an inner light. A snug blood red dress hugged her figure.
The two Succubi who had been waiting on them withdrew to the wall, going to their knees. Tiny went to one knee before the Succubus Mother, as did Bob a half-second later. “Please, take your seats again,” Mother told them, her silken purr sending a shiver through Bob.
Mother settled herself across from Bob and Tiny, regarding them curiously for a moment. “So, you are the minions chosen by the Two-souled Summoner, who has bound a Half-blood Succubus to himself. And he has now also come into possession of three pieces of the Demon Lord’s armor.”
“Yes,” Bob replied instantly. “His name is Alburet, Mother.”
Her smile was dazzling, “Very good. That quest has not been completed in many years. It is good to see it come into play again. Tell me, what sort of person is this Alburet Two-souled?”
Bob and Tiny took turns telling Mother about Alburet, and the experiences they’d shared since Alburet had chosen them. The two Succubi Ladies served them refreshments, and one of them even rubbed at Bob’s neck lightly when he moved to stretch out a kink, causing the Imp to momentarily lose track of the conversation.
“Very well,” Mother finally said when they’d both wound down. “He will be coming before the Dark Lord when he comes to the Dead Lands. I want you to ensure that he is indeed going to undertake the quest.”
“As you wish,” Tiny rumbled. “I will obey, as long as it doesn’t harm master.”
With a soft tinkling laugh, Mother smiled, “As it should be, Tiny. One’s master comes before all else, such is our way. If he seems hesitant, I expect you to only nudge him into accepting, understood?”
“Yes, Mother,” Bob whispered, feeling his muscles turn to jelly under the soft hand of the Succubus behind him.
“You may stay and enjoy the hospitality of the Castle for the rest of the evening.” Mother rose to her feet, with Tiny and Bob following suit hastily as she glided from the room.
Once she was gone, Tiny spoke up, “I am going home. Rachel will want to speak to me.”
“I’ll, umm… I’ll stay here for a bit,” Bob said, looking up at the smiling Succubus massaging his neck.
“Okay,” Tiny said, the other Succubus Lady escorting him out.
Bob licked his lips as he met the eyes of the Succubus Lady still in the room with him. “Maybe something to drink?”
“That will be a good place to start,” she purred at him as she slipped over to the bar. “After all, we have all night, don’t we?” She looked over her shoulder at him, winking when she spoke.
Bob’s eyes went wide and he nodded, “Yeah.”
“Then I shall show you many good things, Bob the Mighty,” she came toward him, her hips swaying. “Many pleasurable things that you will enjoy.” Her tail snaked out to gently caress his neck and trace lightly down his spine. “Many things.”
Bob was all smiles when he was summoned to the Dark Lord’s Castle again the next day. His smile grew even wider when he saw the same Succubus waiting for him in the parlor. He exchanged smiles with her before Mother entered the room. “Welcome back, Bob. Do you have news for me?”
Going to one knee, Bob replied, “Mother, today Alburet told us that he was still unsure. He seems afraid of how it might reflect on Stacia and her family.”
Lips pursed thoughtfully, Mother sat back in her seat. She accepted tea from the Succubus Lady present and sipped at it. “Hmm, that is somewhat surprising.”
“Mother,” Bob replied, still kneeling, “he cares for her, though loves her would be more accurate. He seems to hesitate to do anything that might harm or endanger her or her family.”
“Take a seat, Bob,” Mother muttered with a wave of her free hand as she considered what he had said. “He seems much more thoughtful than many of the other Two-souled, then. Not unique in that regard, but a rarity at least.”
“He has one of Stacia’s sisters employed at his Guild already, Mother. He is on good terms with her family it seems, and is serious about keeping them safe and happy.”
“Maybe I should have a chat with my daughter, then. Lilith has been away for a long time. Having a cup of tea with her Mother would be good. Maybe she can give me more insight into this man.”
“Mother, if I may ask a question?” Bob asked hesitantly.
“Why do you care so much about him taking this quest?”
“If he can gather all the pieces, then we have the chance once more at something we had thought lost. The Dark Lord is keenly interested in him, and what he chooses to do. I find that I share that same interest in this strange Two-souled. His actions seem likely to have a profound impact on our world.”
Bob went stock still when he heard the Dark Lord was interested in Alburet. “Mother, does he mean harm to Alburet?” Bob whispered the question, afraid of what the answer might be.
“Harm? Oh, Darkness, no. The Dark Lord sees a rare opportunity, and maybe a way to ease the burden on his followers. All will become clearer when Alburet takes up the quest line. Did you enjoy your time here yesterday?” Her smile was sharp, as she already knew the answer.
“Loralee was a very gracious companion,” Bob replied, his eyes flickering to the Succubus Lady behind Mother. “I don’t think I will ever be as content as I was last night.”
A husky chuckle came from Mother, sending a shiver of pleasure down Bob’s spine. “I think you would be surprised at how content you could be if your master does as we wish, Bob. Play it close to your chest, though. Do not give away how much we want him here. Not even to Tiny or Stacia, do you understand?”
“Yes, Mother,” Bob replied without hesitation. “As long as Alburet is not intended harm, I will do as you wish.”
“Very good,” Mother replied, getting to her feet gracefully. Today’s long flowing black gown trailed behind her, whispering seductively across the stone. “You may take the day to once again enjoy the pleasures of the Dark Lord’s Castle.”
“You’re too kind, Mother,” Bob replied, stunned, but managing to bow as she turned to leave.
Once the door closed behind Mother, Loralee slid forward. “I’ll bet I can make you even more content just by myself tonight.”
Bob’s grin became wide, “Challenge accepted.”
Just as she had done last night, Loralee led him to her room. He was surprised to see another Succubus Lady seated on the sofa when they entered. “Hello?” Bob asked with a pause.
“Oh, Loralee, I didn’t know you were having company tonight,” the other Succubus Lady said, standing up. “I’ll catch up with you tomorrow.”
“Sure, Namida,” Loralee gave her a passionate kiss before she went. “Sorry about that, Bob.” she paused, seeing his wide eyes.
“Oh, do you want me to call her back?”
Swallowing hard, Bob felt torn. Most of him was jumping up and down while screaming ‘yes, yes, yes!’ A small part of him was saying no, that he had accepted a challenge already. “Maybe later?” he finally got out in a strangled voice.
“Managed to remember my challenge? Admirable. I shall introduce you to my favorite friend Namida some other time, then. For now, maybe a drink to help you relax a little more?”
“As you wish, Loralee,” Bob managed to reply in an almost normal tone, though he had very little blood left in his brain. He coughed once as he tried to shake the image of two Succubi entwined on Loralee’s bed out of his head.
“Don’t,” Loralee said softly as she stroked his chin once. “Keep those thoughts running. After all, who knows what might become possible?”
Those words completely shut down rational thought as his mind supplied the same image of Namida and Loralee kissing, but this time with him in the middle. “As you wish,” Bob gasped.
“Very good. I do so like my Imps pliant and willing,” Loralee whispered in his ear before going to get them drinks.
Bob shuddered as Loralee’s whisper sent a touch of pleasure through his frame. Licking his lips, he took a seat and waited for Loralee to come back. He almost fell out of his chair when she reappeared.
Loralee smiled invitingly at him as she came forward in a slow strut. She had changed into a sheer black number that only accented her already nearly perfect body. In one hand, she had a bottle, and in the other was a set of manacles.
“I’m thinking that I would like to have a love slave serve me body shots,” Loralee told him, her voice a heated purr. “Any objections to being that love slave?”
Shaking his head once, Bob all but leapt to his feet, “None.” The word came out in a strangled whisper.
She set the bottle down on the table and approached him. “Put your hands behind your back.”
He did so, feeling giddy anticipation. “What are the rules for tonight?”
“Only one rule for you tonight: obey my every command. You will get to use your entire body tonight, unlike last night. I decided I was a bit cruel when I forbade you using your mouth.” She stepped around him and cuffed his hands behind him. “Your way out is simple. Just say ‘mercy.’”
“Mercy... right, I can do that,” Bob said, shaking with excitement.
“Good. Let’s start, shall we?” Loralee’s eyes shone brightly. “I’m very thirsty and you have some fascinating nooks and crannies to tuck shots into.”
“Yes, mistress,” Bob whispered, his eyes bright with excitement.
Stewart’s Upbringing
Stewart absently watched the customers while he sat at his table in the back corner of the Dead Man Inn. He barely registered any of the conversations that surrounded him as he dwelt on his thoughts. Sipping the ale in front of him, Stewart was so engrossed in his own thoughts that he missed the stout body taking the seat across the table from him.
“Ye okay, me friend?” Grimgar asked, sipping from his own mug of ale. “Ya seem lost in thought.”
Shaking his head, Stewart looked at his old friend, “A bit. Thinking about Alburet and what he’s doing. He seems to be completely unfazed with becoming a Half-blood Infern
al. It makes me wonder if maybe the Dark Lord hasn’t confided something in him. Either that, or he has no idea of the difficulties that arise from such a bloodline.”
“All the Two-souled be a bit odd,” Grimgar shrugged. “He be odd even for them. He made friends in high places, though. Mayhap he can dispel some of the old hatreds.”
“The Dark Lord has done nothing to ease the difficulties we have faced. Why would he act now, and why through Alburet?” Stewart’s voice hinted at the bitterness he felt.
“Still dealin’ with ye old memories, lad?”
Setting the mug down with a thump, Stewart looked over at Grimgar, his eyes blazing with sparks of fire. “What do you think? You didn’t grow up surrounded by people who hated you just because of your blood.”