Last Horizon: Beta Page 15
The Goblin Chief yelled and pulled a two handed sword from behind his throne, then charged. The six Shamans began casting heals on the chief. As soon as the shamans started their casting, an Icebolt slammed into the left most quickly followed by twin blades. That shaman turned towards Amythyst as its spell was interrupted and began casting again. A moment later the next one in line received an Icebolt and twin blades in its back. This pattern continued down the line of shamans, poisoning them all. As the chief reached Dumadin, the dwarf triggered Anger Howl to make sure he had the goblin's attention.
Dumadin stood there as the chief swing his sword and hit him, doing no damage thanks to a stoneskin potion. Dumadin began his attack on the chief while Kittish cast another Weaken on the goblin chief. The next two blows from the Chief bounced off Dumadin harmlessly, while Dumadin returned blows to it.
Terets began attacking the shamans back down the line, no longer in stealth as he had run out of aether doing the first wave of attacks. The shamans kept casting Healing Light on each other as the swords and Icebolts kept damaging them.
The goblin chief swung on Dumadin again and this time it sliced into the dwarf who groaned as 25% of his life vanished from that one hit. Kittish switched to casting Healing Light, as Dumadin held his ground and hoped the shamans would be dead soon.
Terets started back down the line once more as the first shaman got another heal off then turned towards him. “Got them drained Amythyst. Light them up, they want me bad now.” With that Terets finished his attacks down the line of shamans and ran towards the front of the room. The shamans turned to follow him.
Amythyst drank an aether potion and focused on one of the shamans, casting Icebolt after Icebolt as Terets kited them.
“Dumadin we're almost ready,” Terets yelled as he ran by and started to run back down the length of the room.
Dumadin grunted acknowledgment as he took another hit from the chief, which left him at 35% health. Kittish kept healing him as fast as she could cast the spell. “Once Terets gets to the far end of the room, health potion and stoneskin potion. Get down there as fast as you can and drink an aether potion, hun.” Dumadin grunted at Kittish as he returned an attack on the chief, whose life bar was still above 80%.
Terets took a single hit from one of them as he raced back past the shamans. One of the six was down. Once he reached the far end of the room he turned and waited as the shamans rushed him. Just as the shamans got to him and attacked, Dumadin triggered his shield and appeared in front of them. The attacks clanged off the shield, and Dumadin taunted them with Anger Howl and drank a healing potion.
The shamans all turned to face him and the chief began to run back down the length of the room toward Dumadin with Kittish running along behind it.
Amythyst and Terets jumped the shamans in order of lowest health and had killed two more by the time the chief got to Dumadin. Just as the chief got to him Dumadin drank another stoneskin potion and braced for the attack.
The first attack by the chief was actually Blocked by his ability, seeing it as a good sign Dumadin used his axe for the free return attack. The last three Shamans attacked. Only one connected, stripping off part of the potion, while the other two missed. The chief's next attack landed, stripping a second charge off the stoneskin potion as another shaman dropped dead.
Kittish got into range and began casting Healing Light on Dumadin again, as Amythyst cast her last Icebolt and killed another of the two remaining shamans. Amythyst was out of aether potions and charged into the melee. Terets finished off the last of the shamans with a double thrust and turned to the chief.
Dumadin took the next blow from the chief, removing the last charge of the stoneskin potion as Kittish brought him back up to full health. Together with Terets and Amythyst they started chipping the chief's health away. Dumadin's health bounced up and down like a yo-yo between Kittish's healing and the chief's blows.
Amythyst stepped back and cast an Icebolt once her aether regenerated enough. Seeing this, Dumadin decided to take a risk as he noticed Kittish's aether bar was almost depleted. He took off running for the front of the room. The group blinked as this wasn't part of the plan and turned to attack the chief as it followed Dumadin.
“I'm tapped out,” Kittish yelled, realizing why Dumadin ran. “Amythyst, try to keep it slowed.” She jumped in with the others meleeing it as it chased Dumadin.
As its life dropped to 10% it grew bigger and started frothing at the mouth. Seeing the chief hit berserk, Dumadin cussed and tried to get by. He was able slide by, but took a hit that took half of his life off leaving him with only 5%.
“Fuck me,” Dumadin yelled as he sprinted for the back again.
“No, you're not cute enough,” Terets returned, realizing he had regained enough aether for a Backstab. He paused as the chief came running back towards him and Backstabbed the goblin as it went by. The Goblin chief's life dropped to 1% and it turned on Terets, launching the human across the room to land near the doorway with only a sliver of life left.
“Get back,” Dumadin yelled at the girls as they were closing on the goblin, “It isn't following the aggro table anymore.” Dumadin prepared his shield as the chief turned and swung on Kittish. He teleported and blocked the attack, then used the last of his aether for the follow up attack after a successful block. The chief's head flew from its body, which fell over and twitched for a moment.
The group collapsed were they stood and panted. After a moment, they looked at each other broke into a laugh.
“Fuck you, you goblin bastards,” Terets panted thrusting a fist into the air.
“Fucking gods this place sucked,” Dumadin said as he lay there panting. “I hope the next few dungeons aren't this bad.”
“You know they're gonna get worse. These guys were pansies, just think what higher level monsters are going to be like,” Kittish said.
“That's my optimist,” Dumadin quipped and rolled into a sitting position. He pulled some food and drink from his pack. “Eat and drink folks, it will be the fastest way to recoup our bars.”
“Oh, I hit level seven,” Amythyst said to a ragged cheer from the others.
“Catching up to us, Amythyst,” Terets said smiling.
Nodding the others pulled out juice and jerky. After they'd spent a few minutes replenishing health and aether they spread out and gathered up the loot. The shamans all carried staves, and the chief had a Fine Steel Two-Handed Sword along with a Steel Skullcap. The only other items in the room were Thallien's leather bound journal and a large ornate chest that was too big to carry away. Dumadin picked up the Chief's head and put it into his backpack once it had stopped oozing, as it was the quest item for Dunstun to prove they'd been successful.
The chest when opened contained a Quality Longbow, a necklace that upon inspection showed that it allow the wearer to recast a spell at no aether cost once every five minutes, a Superior Dwarven Hammer, and a Superb Mortar and Pestle which increased the potency of herbs prepared with it. There was also over one hundred silver, three hundred copper, and twenty gold.
Terets took the bow, “This way I can get some decent ranged damage in when we have to deal with multiple casters.”
Kittish already had a necklace that was great for her as a healer, so they gave the Necklace of Double Spell to Amythyst. She stammered her thanks to them as she put it on.
“We split the loot to the best advantage of the party. That's always been the way we work,” Kittish said and smiled.
Dumadin took the hammer, which had a much higher durability and did double the damage of the axe he was using.
Kittish took the mortar and pestle, as she was the only alchemist in the group.
After double checking they had all the useful loot they started the trek back out of the dungeon. Fast travel wouldn't work from inside the instance.
“We really need to get better bags. We're all right near capacity,” Dumadin remarked as they trudged along.
“Yeah, better backpacks
and maybe some crafting belt pouches for the extra spots those give,” Terets added.
“Works for me when we get back to town,” Kittish chimed in.
“I would like a satchel instead, since I don't have a crafting skill,” Amythyst remarked.
They all agreed to this plan as they finally stepped out of the instance and fast traveled back to Stoutbank.
The group appeared in the town square and nodded to a few town folk who were passing by.
“Good day, champions,” called one of the town folk as they walked past.
Dumadin raised a brow and smiled, “Well, seems the town folk think we're champions.”
Terets snickered, “Three and a half champions, you mean.”
“Jackass,” Dumadin said as the group moved towards Silken Layers to give Dunstun the goblin head. “We should take some time to check our gear and repair it again, I'm getting concerned about the good stuff wearing out.”
Kittish nodded, “Yeah, you guys' weapons have to be taking a beating in the durability area. My staff doesn't get used as much so it should be good for a while.”
“Going to have to get more skins for armor again, as well,” Terets added. “The stuff I made at the start wasn't great for durability and has taken a pounding. And we should totally farm some spiders for that poison.”
Kittish agreed, “Yes, that aether drain is handy. The silk is useful, too. We should see about that when we go back to the farmer to drop off their clothes. We can try to get more wolf pelts when we go north. We'll need to take the long way so Amythyst can get Smee's Cabin and the Hermit's Cave on her map for fast traveling.”
“You guys don't have to, I can wait in town,” Amythyst began.
“Nonsense, we travel in unison and we'll be going to those locations more than once so it makes sense to get them unlocked for you,” Dumadin finished with a grin.
“Okay,” Amythyst demurred, “should go see the farmers then turn around and do the long slog north?”
“Probably,” Terets added, “let's see what the town folk have to say about the goblins first. It might change our plans.”
The group agreed and kept moving toward the tailor's shop, nodding at townsfolk who greeted them as they walked.
“Greeting and welcome to Silk... oh! Champions, you've returned already,” Dunstun said cutting off his normal greeting to customers.
Dumadin grinned and pulled the Goblin Chief's head from his bag, “All done.”
Quest Completed: Clean out the goblin cave.
You receive five thousand experience.
Visit the merchants in Stoutbank to collect your rewards.
Your reputation in Stoutbank has improved.
“Well done, champions,” Dunstun said excitedly, “This frees us to hire that guard for the town now. You are free to select one thing each in the shop. Theresa will help you. I need to inform the others.” Theresa appeared from the back with a smile for the champions as Dunstun rushed out of the shop with the goblin head.
“Always so excitable,” Theresa giggled, “just find anything that catches your fancy and let me know.”
The group shrugged and started looking around at the clothes offered, not that any of them really needed anything. After thirty minutes of looking around at the clothes none of them had settled on anything.
Theresa sighed, “If you don't find anything you don't find anything. How about I give you a letter to give to my brother for me, then? He's a leatherworker in Veno, which I am sure will be of much more use to you all.”
“That would do wonderfully well actually, Theresa,” Dumadin said with a small bow. “It's just none of us are exactly the dressy sort and it would be a waste to have these wonderful clothes in our bags and not wear them.”
Theresa nodded her understanding and quickly wrote out the letter and sealed it, “Just give this my brother Franklin Awlfist in Veno when you get there and he will aid you.”
Kittish accepted the note and placed it into her bag with a smile, “Thank you so much, Theresa. I was wondering though if you might have a small strip of left over cloth I could buy? I just want a splash of color for my waist you understand.”
Theresa nodded and pulled a thin four foot length of cobalt blue silk from under the bench and handed it to Kittish. “That I can do, and gladly as it means I can honestly tell Dunstun you left with the cloth you wanted.”
The group chuckled as they said their goodbyes to Theresa and exited the shop. Dunstun was returning as they left. “Have a good day Dunstun, and thanks for the cloth,” Dumadin said and shook hands with the tailor as they went into town.
“Come by again when you next need clothes,” Dunstun replied.
“Shall we go see the stables first?” Amythyst said as they walked.
“We'll need to see them all so might as well, as it's the next closest merchant,” Dumadin opined.
The group walked into the courtyard of Pony Express, which was surrounded by stalls. Each stall had a horse or pony stabled munching on their food. As they looked around an elven beauty wearing rough leathers walked toward them.
“Ah, the champions of Stoutbank! I am Camelia Wildheart, owner of Pony Express. Welcome to my stables. I already have your gifts ready for you, please follow me.” The elf led them towards a small building at the back of the compound.
Inside the building, she ushered them past an office where a number of clerks were handling paperwork and into the back office and bade them sit. The ladies sat in the two chairs on the guest side of the desk and the guys stood to either side of their friends.
“Dunstun has already told me what you've done and I am very grateful. Amythyst here has already learned of the goblins predilection for horse meat. Now that the goblins are dead at your hands the least I can do is give each of you a mount of your own.” She placed three figurines on the desk in front of her. “Kittish, this figurine is Windrunner, a beautiful light gray mare of calm disposition.” She slid the figurine across the desk to Kittish and indicated the next one. “Terets, this is Lightning. He's one of the fastest horses I've ever had in this stable.” She slid the figurine to Terets and indicated the last one.
Camelia eyed Dumadin for a moment, then put on a perfectly predatory smile and winked at Terets. “This is Stoutlegs, for you Dumadin. He is the best mount for dwarves in my stable.” She moved the small figurine towards Dumadin, who accepted it with a raised brow. “Let us go out into the yard so you can meet your new friends.” She stood up and walked them back out to the yard. “If you would all summon your mounts, please? You as well, Amythyst.”
The three old friends placed their figurines on the ground and looked at Camelia. “Oh, right. Sorry. Just ask your steed to come to you.” In a moment three horses and one stout pony stood in the yard, already wearing saddles and bridles.
Before Terets stood a dappled brown gelding who looked sleek and fierce. Kittish's mount was a beautiful light gray mare who seemed to exude a serene air. Roan the stallion stood before Amythyst. In front of Dumadin there was a short stout shaggy pony of an off white color. Each of the beasts had bridle and saddle and stood still, waiting for their owners to mount them.
As the group looked at each other's mounts, Terets fell over laughing. “She pegged you good shorty, no way could you get up onto one of these massive beasts.”
“Jackass,” came the long suffering sigh from Dumadin.
The girls giggled and Camelia laughed and shook her head. “It's a mountain pony, used by dwarves all over the world. While not as fast as the horses, they do not tire quickly even on the steepest grade. If you train it for battle it will not shrink from any danger.”
Dumadin nodded and mounted the pony with ease. Camelia was right, the pony was perfect for him and his shorter frame. Terets and Kittish mounted their steeds as well and they began to walk their mounts around the yard. As Amythyst went to mount Roan, Camelia stopped her.
“Wait a moment please, Amythyst,” Camelia smile
d and began to remove the bridle and saddle on Roan. It was replaced by newer tack, and Camelia nodded in satisfaction as she tightened the girth strap. “There you go. Should you ever decide to train into mounted combat this gear will aid you significantly.”
Amythyst looked over the beautifully tooled gear, then mounted. Roan seemed to stand taller and prouder. “My thanks, Camelia. I doubt that's in my future, but this new tack is exquisite.”
“You're welcome, all of you. Everyone here in town appreciates the deeds you've done on our behalf,” Bowing, Camelia turned and walked towards her office.
“We might as well walk the beasts down to the next stop, which is the general goods store I believe,” Dumadin said and turned his shaggy pony towards the gate. His friends followed him. Dumadin was amazed at how easy it was to ride the pony. In real life he'd never gotten the hang of horseback riding.