Tales from the Dead Man Inn Read online

Page 16

  “I understand, child, but that will be easy, compared to what the rest of his life will bring him, which is why he needs a strong woman who will do everything she can to help him. Your path will be just as difficult, and you do not want to be the weakness that distracts him when he needs to focus, now do you?”

  “Nay,” Erin said, her eyes growing sharp. “I will nay waver again. Show me how to pour one more time, please.”

  With a small smile, Lady Theron picked up the small kettle. “Good. It goes like this.”


  Erin’s heart was happy for Deirdre and Almira, but at the same time she was getting tired of waiting for the ‘proper’ time for the noble courting. The wedding ceremony, and banquet afterwards, reminded her of the beginning of her relationship with Wilbur. He sat there with her, smiling at the dances that were underway.

  “Wilbur, how much longer must we be waitin’? Twenty-eight days since ya asked me in the carriage.”

  “The announcements are going out in just a week or two, and we have already agreed on the date. That day, we wed in Justice’s Light, and the next, we bask in the Dark Lord’s darkness.”

  “Why can we nay wed at the Dark Lord’s Temple first? We can slip away, just us and the family,” Erin asked, for maybe the hundredth time since they had started talking about the marriage.

  “Because Justice won’t bear witness, then. You know from the texts as well as I do just how much Justice hates the Dark Lord. We need to do this, so the Court can attend the wedding. Ioaniss has made sure that the King will be free for the wedding. This is for our children…” Wilbur trailed off, as he hadn’t mentioned kids before.

  Eyes going wide, she looked at him with love, “Ya mean it? Ya had said ya wanted to wait until ya had reached Captain before we had our first.”

  Smile going soft, he leaned in and kissed her tenderly. “Yes. I thought we could try for our first on the night we wed before Justice. If for some reason he doesn't bless us with child before we wed before the Dark Lord, maybe he will grace us with child.”

  Pulling him firmly to her, she kissed him deeply before letting him go, her eyes wet with unshed tears of joy. “Aye. I will wait for the fancy weddin’, iffin it means we can start on our family sooner.”

  Gently caressing her cheek, Wilbur nodded. “Best to start thinking of names for our firstborn.”

  “Oh, aye, tha’ be something we can be talkin’ about all the way up to the weddin’, me darlin’ soon-to-be husband.”

  Deirdre’s Story

  Sipping a glass of wine, Deirdre wondered if Alburet would be able to do as she’d requested and get her a Paladin of the Dark Lord. It was maybe a bit too much to hope for, as perfect matches didn’t exactly grow on trees. Deirdre figured she might as well ask for everything. After all, he’d set Emily up with a nice boy, and Marian with the Assassin she’d seen Alburet with once or twice.

  When Alburet excused himself from the table again, Deirdre wondered if it was going to be for her or Erin, who seemed more anxious with each passing moment. She wanted to say something to her sister, but decided that Erin looked stressed enough that she might take it badly. Biting her lip, she looked into the crowd, trying to find Alburet. He appeared to be speaking to one of the Guard Captains, which didn’t interest her at all.

  Deirdre sighed and sipped her wine again, wondering whether or not she should hint at other options. Catching Almira’s eyes, Deirdre wondered about the wink and smile the older woman gave her.

  “Deirdre, may I introduce Chris Eveningstar, a Paladin of the Dark Lord? He has been kind enough to agree to become your chaperone for the evening, if he suits your fancy.”

  Deirdre’s smile was blinding as she motioned Chris to the seat beside her. “Oh yes, he be perfect. Please sit, Chris, and tell me about yaself.” She felt her heart beat faster as the tall, broad shouldered man took a seat next to her.

  Chris gave her a bright smile and gladly took the seat offered him. “It is an honor to sit at the head table with one as lovely as you, Deirdre Crowley.” Picking up the decanter of wine on the table, he filled his glass and topped hers off. “I wonder, do you recall me?”

  Deirdre’s mind raced as she tried to recall ever having seen or met Chris before. After a moment, her cheeks colored. “I do nay, please forgive me.”

  Chris let out a soft, deep laugh, “No, it’s fine. I would have been shocked if you had. You do recall your years of study at the temple, right?”

  “Of course,” Deirdre said, but she knew no Paladin of the Dark Lord had been in her class.

  “I’m a few years your junior,” Chris said with a chuckle, guessing at what she was thinking. “I was one of the young ones who would help prepare the lesson materials, or take care of the gear after the day’s lessons were over.”

  Deirdre’s mind flashed back to a small, dusky skinned, twig-like boy who had always seemed to be around and willing to help the people in her class. “I do be recallin’ ya now. Ya was different then, nay?”

  Chris’ smile grew. “That is indeed one way of putting it. It would be accurate to say a stiff breeze could have carried me away. It was during those years, though, that I found my calling, even before I started my own lessons. I could see your class struggling without a bulwark to defend you all.” Chris’ eyes misted for a moment as he thought back. “How hard it was for you… all, to make it through the training, much less the last test at the end of your time.”

  Deirdre’s smile became brittle as she thought back to the years when it had become clear that she would not be finding her path in life. Even the others from the Dark Lord’s Temple had pitied her for following in Stacia’s footsteps and not finding her Class. “Aye, it was tryin’.”

  “That made me want to become a Paladin of the Dark Lord,” Chris said, trying to steer the conversation away from whatever was making her sad. “It was a tough road. My father had hoped I would follow his steps into Necromancy. In time, though, as I grew,” he chuckled and got a light laugh from Deirdre, “As I grew into the man I am today, he came to see that the Dark Lord had his own plans for me. The temple confirmed that during my training; the very first day, I was bathed in darkness. The priest was excited, thinking I had become a priest, but when the light returned I had this mark,” Chris extended the inside of his left wrist, showing where a shield and sword were imprinted on his skin. “It was then the priest knew that I was to be a Paladin. I led the others of my class through training, and when it came to our final test, we finished fourth—the highest that any class from the Dark Temple has finished in a long time.”

  Deirdre nodded. “Aye, that indeed be the case. Did ya just miss Marian’s class, then?”

  “Indeed, she was in the class just before mine. I find myself confused by your family’s predicament. That none of you have a path in life makes me wonder what the Dark Lord might have planned for you all.”

  Deirdre’s mind flashed back to learning that Stacia had become a full Succubus and attached herself to Alburet, and how she, Erin, and Marian had wondered if the same would happen to each of them. Marian seemed to take the news the best of the three of them, neither hating nor fearing the idea. Erin and Deirdre, though, both hated the thought of their dreams being swept aside by some far reaching blood tie.

  Shaking her head to bring it back to the present, her attention went to the dance floor, where Alburet and Stacia were beginning their first dance. Realizing that she had completely spaced the gifts, Deirdre blinked and looked to Chris, who was chewing his lip with worried glances at her.

  “I’m sorry if I said something I shouldn’t have,” Chris apologized.

  “Nay, I got lost in a memory be all,” Deirdre replied, putting her hand on his. “Ya did nay wrong at all, Chris.” The relieved look on his face made Deirdre’s heart thump in her chest.

  “Ah, then I am happy. I would hate to think that I had caused you any distress,” Chris said, hesitantly covering her hand with his other.

  Cheeks flushin
g as heat spread through her, Deirdre bit her lip. “I know ya never would intentionally.”

  The crowd erupting into cheers brought their attention back to the dance floor as the dance came to an end. As people began to line up for dances, Chris stood and offered his hand to her. “May I have this dance, Deirdre Crowley?”

  “Aye, ya may indeed, Chris Eveningstar,” Deirdre smiled brightly at him as she took his hand.

  Chris was a perfect gentleman, positioning his hands as he should and doing nothing too forward, much to Deirdre’s dismay. When the dance ended, he led her back to the table and the two of them began chatting about some of the people they’d both known at the temple.

  Eventually they danced again, this time Deirdre standing a little closer to him. Chris had been nervous, but after seeing her smile, he gave her what she wanted and danced closer with her. They drank more wine, Deirdre regaling Chris with some stories of life growing up with her sisters, making them both laugh.

  On their third dance of the night, Deirdre pressed herself against him. He started to object, but stopped when he saw her smile. Still keeping his hands as proper as he could, Chris lost himself to the blissful feeling of Deirdre next to him.

  When that dance ended, Deirdre led Chris toward the inn. Chris slowed his steps, nervous again. “Deirdre, it has been an honor and pleasure to be your chaperone tonight.”

  Deirdre looked back, her smile faltering at his tone. “The night does nay have to end yet.”

  Chris sucked at his teeth for a moment, his desire to be a gentleman fighting his libido. “I would hate to think that I’m taking advantage of you.”

  Deirdre’s smile was brilliant. “Ya will nay be. Though I mayhap be taking advantage of ya, Eveningstar. Will ya please come in and share one more drink?”

  The request gave Chris the excuse he needed for himself. “If you wish it, then I will be happy to share another drink with you, Miss Crowley.”

  Tugging his hand gently, she led him into the inn. “Then follow me, sir, for I shall surely be needin’ ya strong arms tonight.”

  Following Deirdre, Chris felt his mind growing a little foggy. He wore the biggest smile he could ever remember having, happy to be near Deirdre. “You shall have them, then, for as long as you have need of them.”

  Weaving through the throng, Deirdre led Chris inside. Her mother was at the counter and gave her a knowing smile as they approached. Lilith handed her a room key and a bottle of wine. “Have fun, and don’t break him,” she giggled.

  “I do nay think I could, even iffin I be inclined to try,” Deirdre smiled back, taking the key and offered wine.

  “Mrs. Crowley,” Chris gave her a smile, his eyes unfocused.

  “Take care of my daughter, Eveningstar. Shine your light upon her until she asks you to stop,” Lilith purred.

  Shaking her head at her mother’s antics, Deirdre towed Chris after her up the stairs. Opening the door, she nudged Chris inside and handed him the bottle of wine. “Open that for me, please?”

  “Right away, Miss Crowley,” Chris said, pulling a small knife from his belt and working to uncork the bottle. He finally got the bottle open and felt the fog lift from his mind. He set the bottle on the table, blinking, then turned and found Deirdre in her bra and panties.

  Mouth going dry at the beauty before him, Chris stumbled over his words, “I, maybe I should, umm, go?”

  “I prefer ya to stay, Chris,” Deirdre said as she took a hesitant step toward him. “I know I am bein’ very forward, but this feels right to me. Or do I nay interest ya?” Taking a half step back, she turned to the side and folded her arms across her body, suddenly fearful that she might not please him. Her hair fell forward to block her face.

  “No!” Chris interjected forcefully and coughed, his face bright red. “You do, Deirdre. You are a vision of loveliness, one that I’m not sure I should be viewing. Surely, your looks could rival those of Mother herself.”

  His words brought a flush to Deirdre’s face. “To be compared to the Dark Lord’s first wife… ya flatter me.”

  Gulping, Chris took a small step toward her. “No. I speak what I feel to be the truth. I wouldn’t speak a lie to you, Deirdre. I never have before, and I will not until my last day.” Stopping a few feet from her, he took a deep breath, “If I might be so bold… May I have this dance, Miss Crowley?”

  The rush his words ignited in her made her shiver. “Every dance,” she said, the words a whisper that Chris didn’t hear, but her next words were louder, “Aye, Chris, ya may have this dance.” Brushing her hair back to show her flushed face, Deirdre plastered herself to him as they began to sway to music only they could hear.


  Deirdre drifted listlessly through the inn as she had for the last week. Her mind kept drifting back to Chris, and the night they had shared, before again reminding her that he’d not shown up for the last seven days. Maybe she’d been wrong about the connection she thought they had both felt.

  Making her way to the taproom she was passed by Erin, who was running the other way. Frowning at her sister, who knew better than to run inside the inn, Deirdre almost turned around to chastise her, but instead shrugged and continued toward the taproom.

  She found her mother and father in the taproom, talking quietly. “Mornin’ to ya both,” Deirdre said, “why did me sis just run past me?”

  “She’s starting her new job,” Lilith said softly. “Alburet offered her the position of receptionist.”

  Deirdre felt another small bit of herself flake away at the words. “Oh, so he be havin’ both Stacia and Erin beside him, while I do nay have anyone.”

  Alistern picked up on Deirdre’s tone, “Did somethin’ happen?”

  “No, Da’, I be fine,” Deirdre said as she turned back toward the hall. “I’ll go check on her.” Stomping down the hall, Deirdre felt a burst of anger that her sister seemed to be getting everything she wanted in life. The guard that Erin had been seeing, Wilbur, had come back a few times since the wedding, unlike Chris.

  Stepping into the open doorway of their shared room, Deirdre watched as Erin buzzed around the room, picking up only the little things she treasured most. It struck Deirdre that Erin was packing up her things. “What be ya doin’?”

  Erin turned to her, a broad smile on her lips. “They gave me a room of me own to use at the guild hall. I be living there as well as working there. It be like a dream,” Erin continued to gush, oblivious to how her words were cutting Deirdre. “Wilbur be slowly acceptin’ our different standins in life, Alburet has given me a job away from Da’, and now I be havin’ me own room.”

  “Ya obviously be special, then,” Deirdre snapped and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

  Erin blinked, but shrugged off the moment, caught up in her own happiness. Deirdre stormed back out to the taproom and found Lilith still there. Before she could storm through the room, Lilith got in her path.

  “Daughter, what troubles you?” Lilith asked gently, but firmly.

  Coming to a halt, Deirdre looked up at Lilith with angry eyes that turned sad and began watering. “Why does he nay come back to see me?”

  Putting her arms around her troubled daughter, Lilith got them both seated and held her. “Maybe he feels like he took advantage of you, and his shame prevents him from coming.”

  Deirdre began to cry. “I want him back, Ma’.”

  “I can see that easily enough,” Lilith sighed as she stroked Deirdre’s hair. “Give him another day, maybe he will come. You’re having a trying day, so go rest and I’ll handle the tasks for today. Tomorrow will be better.”

  Sniffling, Deirdre did as she was told and went back to her room, which seemed much emptier now. Seeing the emptiness, Deirdre began to cry again, collapsing onto the bed and crying herself to sleep.

  When Deirdre woke, the morning sun was just breaking the horizon. Realizing with a start that she’d left all the work to her mother, she hurriedly got ready and rushed out to the tapro

  Stewart was behind the bar, talking to a man whose back was to her. Deirdre slowed as she recognized Chris and she came to a stop just outside the room to listen to the conversation.

  “I fear I may have made a grievous error. Can you give me advice in this matter, Stewart?” Chris was asking the frowning Summoner.

  “You think you might have made an error?” Stewart’s voice was a growl. “She has been upset all week, ever since the wedding. Why do you think that is?”

  “I think I let the wine cloud my judgement,” Chris said remorsefully. “I only intended to be a gentleman, but when I accepted the last drink I found myself unable to stop.”

  “Then you don’t come back for a week,” Stewart thundered, his eyes flashing red. “Did you consider how that would make her feel?”