The Path to Peace (Alpha World Book 6) Page 19
“No! No! Fools, that was my life’s work,” the Apprentice hissed as he brought his staff up and snapped it over his own head. “Die… painfully.”
“Three,” Marysue called out as three Callous Spirits rose from the ground next to the group. “I can’t handle three,” she said, chugging a mana potion to replenish some of her mana after getting them healed as fast as she was able.
One of the Callous Spirits took Gerald, the next took Tiny, and the last took Karen. Alburet instantly dismissed Tiny as he lunged and knocked Karen to the ground. “Stacia, buy time with Gerald,” he called out.
Both Stacia and Kitten dove at Gerald, grabbing his legs as he turned towards Marysue. “We got him,” they said in unison.
Resummoning Tiny to his side, Alburet hissed as Karen managed to push both of her daggers into his sides. “Grab her,” he told Tiny through clenched teeth.
As the Destroyer grabbed Karen, Marysue was healing Gerald. “We can do this,” Fluff said, staying on the Apprentice who had begun to back away from the group. “You won’t be getting away from us.”
“You can’t stop me, Lunari,” the Lunine spat as two grey Spirits appeared and began to lift the Apprentice into the air. “I shall tell my master—”
“Oh shut it,” Bob snapped as he and BJ landed on the Lunine’s shoulders and dug their claws into the beast’s face, having run out of mana. “The master’s wife said you’re. Not. Going. Anywhere.”
The added weight was too much for the Spirits trying to keep the Apprentice Spirit Caller aloft. Landing with a scream of pain as it tried to dislodge Bob and BJ, it had no idea what was happening when Gerald, freed of the Callous Spirit, used Ground Stomp, stunning it and Karen.
Those few seconds allowed Bob, BJ, Fluff, and Gerald all the time they needed to kill it. As the boss died, Karen stopped struggling, as did Kitten, who had been briefly taken by the Spirit that had first gone after Tiny.
The entire group abruptly sat down, breathing heavily and looking at each other with questioning glances. “We did it?” Karen asked.
“We did indeed,” Marysue said, her smile blooming. “We did it!”
“Next time, can we dismiss the minions first?” Gerald asked from where he lay. Reaching out, he touched the mob and looted it.
“Yeah,” Alburet agreed, “good plan. Still, good work, guys.”
“Thank you, master,” Tiny rumbled.
“That was brutal,” Bob said with a deep breath, landing next to Alburet. “My wings are going to be sore for a long while.”
Alburet shook his head with a chuckle. “We’re all going to be sore after that.”
“Homestones, Portal Guild, see the festival, eat some food, turn in quests, then home?” Fluffball asked as she got to her feet.
“Sounds good,” Karen said.
“We’re still on for after dinner, right?” Marysue asked, rising to her feet.
“Aye,” Stacia grinned.
“Oh gods,” Alburet mumbled, “they remembered.”
“We’ll see you all in Wildwood shortly,” Gerald said as he finally got himself upright.
“See you soon,” Marysue said, giving the women knowing nods.
“Guys,” Alburet said from the ground, “as soon as we’re back in Stormguard, you’re free to go.”
Bob and Tiny gave affirmative responses as Stacia helped Alburet to his feet. “Let us nay be keepin’ them.”
“As you wish,” Alburet said with a small smile.
“Damned right,” Karen chuckled, her Homestone already in hand.
“Trust us, Al,” Fluff said softly from her place next to Karen.
“Always,” Alburet said as he fished out his Homestone. “I trust you all to constantly keep me on my toes.” With laughs from both Karen and Stacia, he triggered his Homestone.
Chapter Twenty-two
There were no delays, so the trip back to Wildwood was quick. Appearing outside the main gates, they heard the sounds of music and revelry from inside the city. They were only waiting a couple of minutes when Marysue and Gerald appeared.
“We’re all here, let’s go,” Karen said eagerly. Taking Marysue by the hand, she led the healer towards the gates with eager steps. “I doubt you’ve been to Mardi Gras; if this is even half of that, you’ll be in for some new experiences,” Karen told the wealthy debutante.
“I’ve never been,” Marysue agreed as she eagerly kept pace with Karen.
“Mary,” Gerald said, hurrying after the two women, “hang on.”
The others all trailed after Gerald with various expressions of amusement. “Maybe her dad nay be the only one tha’ always sheltered her,” Stacia whispered into Alburet’s ear. “He will need to let her run or he will lose her eventually.”
Alburet glanced at his wife. “Maybe, but is it our place to try and help them?”
“He might listen if you talk to him later,” Fluff said from Alburet’s other side. “If you haven’t noticed, we make him uncomfortable, but he seems to listen to you.”
With a sigh, Alburet nodded. “If you both think so. I take it Karen is doing this as part of some plan you all have?”
“Nay, she just wants Marysue to extend her wings some,” Stacia replied. “We nay be controllin’ everythin’ around ya, just most thin’s”
A wry chuckle escaped his lips, “Well, that’s good to know.”
“It would be nice if they can have the best relationship possible,” Fluff commented. “They’re like a princess and her prince, separated, but trying to find each other.”
“You’re going to draw them later, aren’t you?” Alburet asked.
“That is part of the plan,” Fluff said. “The other part is a secret.”
“I won’t ask,” Alburet said, giving her a peck on the cheek.
“Good,” Stacia smiled, “we would nay give it away.”
Trailing the other group, Alburet watched as Gerald finally caught up to them and took Marysue’s arm, frowning at Karen. Marysue slowed her pace as she took in the bright multicolored lights strung up next to every tree. Music of various styles could be heard coming from different sections of the city, and the smells of many different types of food drifted gently on the light breeze.
“It’s so lively,” Marysue said as she started walking again.
It wasn’t until they got closer to the buildings that her steps slowed again. Eyes widening, Marysue gawked at the mostly Lunari crowds; or rather, at their clothing. Silks in all different colors and styles were on display, but it was the lack of concealing clothing that really caught her attention. Gerald slowed as well as he stared at the people. “Are they…”
“A cross between New Orleans and what most people think of a truly bizarre bazaar,” Fluffball murmured, her pencil moving across the sketchpad she held.
“They all be above the age of consent, do nay fear on tha’ regard,” Stacia said. “Da’ has said tha’ all the kids are kept indoors durin’ the evenin’. Besides, nay all of them are without underclothes.” She gestured at a man and woman walking side by side, wearing silks like the others, but with solid clothing under them. “Iffin ya care to buy some clothes to walk in, there should be a number of booths… Like tha’ one over there.”
Marysue’s eyes locked onto a cart with a number of silks hanging from it. “I want to—” she began.
“Mary, we can’t,” Gerald interrupted, “what would the med…” he trailed off. “We don’t have to worry about the media, though, not here.”
“Please,” Marysue said, looking at him with wide puppy-dog eyes.
“Your father wouldn’t approve, but it’s not like there is any way for anyone not here to see what happens,” Gerald said, his eyes locked onto hers. “We keep garments on under the silks,” he added with finality.
“Okay,” Marysue beamed, taking his arm and hurrying them toward the stall before he could change his mind.
“Asthore,” Stacia purred from his right, “mayhap…”
“Of course,” A
lburet chuckled, giving into the unspoken question and leading his wives over to the stall as well.
Luckily, the stall also had a small changing area set up next to it. Marysue was the first one to use it, followed by Gerald once he was sure she had done as he’d asked. Stacia, Karen, and Fluff all went into the small booth together and came back out in short order. Stacia, being her usual self, came out sans anything under the thin silks she wore. Karen followed her a moment later, with a g-string under her bottoms but with no bra under the silks. Fluff came out last, and like Marysue, she wore both a top and bottom under her outfit. Unlike Marysue, hers gave definite shape to what she was hiding.
“I hope no one around here has a weak heart,” Alburet grinned. “Enough to cause a cardiac arrest, or make a priest curse his celibacy vows.”
Gerald didn’t even glance at the women; his eyes locked on Marysue, who was looking him over. “This is a little much, isn’t it?” Gerald muttered.
“It looks good on you,” Marysue told him. “How do I look?”
“Beautiful as always, but I don’t like the idea of everyone staring at you,” Gerald said.
“Do nay worry, we will be helpin’ to keep other’s eyes movin’,” Stacia grinned as she took a few swaying steps towards the nearest food cart. “I be hungry. Are any of ya?”
“I could definitely eat something,” Karen grinned. “But first, one last person needs to change.”
Alburet chose the same outfit Gerald had, keeping himself as modest as the tank. “There, are we ready for food now?”
“Spoilsport,” Karen rolled her eyes.
“Food sounds good,” Marysue said as she took Gerald’s arm again. “Let’s explore the city for a while, okay?”
With a nod, Gerald gave in to her request. “You know I can rarely tell you no.”
“You do, and have before, but always with my best interests at heart,” she replied. “I hope that tonight I can explain how much that’s meant to me, Francis.”
The use of his real name caused Gerald to slow for a moment. “I have only ever wanted what is best for you,” he said, his words carrying all the love he held.
“First, though, we have a party to attend,” Karen added from behind them, breaking the moment. “Food first, then entertainment.”
The next two hours went by faster than they realized. The food carts had all kinds of finger foods to sample, which sated their hunger. The groups of musicians had clusters of people dancing around them, which the women joined a few times. When Alburet was able to take his eyes off his wives, he kept checking Gerald to make sure he was handling everything okay. It would be wrong to say Gerald’s eyes never strayed from Marysue, as a number of people wearing less than Stacia vied for attention in some of the dancing groups, but his eyes never looked away for more than a moment before going back to Marysue and staying on her. Even if Alburet hadn’t been able to feel other people’s emotions, it still would have been painfully obvious how much Gerald loved Marysue, not that he was much better with the three lovers he had—his eyes rarely strayed from them, either.
It was Fluff who finally mentioned the lateness of the hour to them. “Marysue? If we don’t leave soon, we’re not going to be able to do what you asked.”
Blinking, Marysue nodded. “Oh, right, thanks Fluff. Let’s go turn in our quests and then head back to the city.”
Making their way through the city, they paused for a few minutes to see a fire eater and a sword swallower before continuing on. Eventually, they made it to the Portal Guild and took the correct rune to turn in the quests. The camp, when they appeared in it, was a miniature version of the city with drinking and revelry going on.
“They’re a bit too relaxed,” Gerald said with a frown. “The camp should at least have some discipline.”
“Let’s get this over with quickly,” Alburet said, wary of eyes being drawn to the women in the group.
“Is there something wrong?” Marysue asked.
“There are very few women here, and you four are drawing more attention than any of them,” Alburet said bluntly.
“Hey, you want to see what it’s like to party in the wild?” one of the Lunari called out to the women with a leer.
“Aye, it be best to turn in quickly,” Stacia said. Being the most adept at reading emotions, she was feeling the rise of lust around them more than the others.
Gerald and Alburet got the women moving quickly and Alburet summoned Tiny to his side, Copying the Destroyer as soon as he appeared. “Tiny, guard duty,” he said without preamble, immediately summoning Bob as well.
“Yes, master,” Tiny rumbled with a furrowed brow, until he saw the group of Lunari trailing after the group. Showing his teeth at the group, the Destroyer growled at them, making the Lunari slow their pace. TJ took one side of the group, while Tiny fell in as rear guard.
“Bob,” Alburet greeted the Imp, who looked surprised to have been called, “air support, just in case.”
Seeing the tense set of Alburet’s shoulders, Bob launched into the air. “You got it.” When BJ appeared, the two Imps took up station over the group, frowning at the group of Lunari that were gathering.
Before things could spiral out of control, Herder Malckil appeared before the group. “All done?”
“We completed all four quests,” Gerald said, glancing at the mob, which shifted a few steps back.
“These four just did your damned jobs, so back off,” the Herder growled as his claws shot out, “or we can have another demonstration.” The sheer presence of the officer was felt by the group, and the words had an immediate effect on the camp as the crowd quickly began dispersing. Once they had, the claws retracted back into his fingers. “Sorry about that. As you can see, we don’t have many women here.”
“We didn’t know,” Fluff said, her own claws sliding away.
“Not many do,” Herder Malckil said, “follow me and we’ll get you out of here quickly.” Turning, he led them through the camp to his tent, where he quickly disbursed the coin and was digging for the quartermaster tokens, when Gerald interrupted him.
“Sir, we’ll forgo the items for the maximum experience we can get, if that’s possible, ” Gerald told the Lunari.
Looking up from the bag he was searching through, Herder Malckil nodded. “Okay. If you want to turn the gold back in, I can give you more experience for those quests as well.”
Alburet tossed his bag of coin back to him. “I’ll take that deal.”
Karen and Fluff followed his lead, with Marysue and Gerald doing so after a moment. Putting the coin away, Herder Malckil shook his head. “If that’s what you want.”
Alburet grinned as he leveled to 68 and most of the way to 69. “It is very useful for the time being. Do you know if the other zones would be willing to do the same, sir?”
“For the Pride, we will,” the Lunari nodded. “The other continents, I can’t say.”
“Thank you, sir,” Gerald said. “I do have a question. How do you manage to keep the camp, with such lack of care given to its defenses?”
“The few who care about being with the Pride are on duty watching the trails. If they give the alarm, the party stops and we all attack the invaders. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, we can push back anything short of an army.”
“It be said tha’ most of the Pride be female. Be tha’ true, sir?” Stacia asked.
“Most of the Pride are indeed female,” Herder Malckil nodded, “that is just the way it is. Few of the males of my race have the drive needed to follow the rules of the Pride. The females are better hunters and guards. Always have been,” straightening, he saluted them. “If you will excuse me, I need to make another round of the camp.”
“Thank you, sir,” Gerald said, returning the salute.
“No, thank you again for making my territory safer,” Herder Malckil said before he walked off.
“Now back to our home,” Stacia said with a smile. “Marysue, we be waitin’ for ya an’ everythin’ wil
l be ready.”
“Okay,” Marysue said as she touched Gerald’s arm. “Ready?”
A small frown crossed his face, but quickly vanished. “Okay, but we will change back into our normal clothes first.”
“Of course,” Marysue agreed and pulled out her Homestone.
Once Marysue and Gerald left, Alburet and his family used their Homestones. Reappearing before their home, Alburet let out a deep breath. “Bob, Tiny, sorry for the abrupt summoning.”