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Magi Guard (Aether's Revival Book 6) Page 2

  The last thing Gregory pulled out were the alchemical supplements, and when they read the descriptions on them, they were shocked. Gregory had only taken out some of them, as the rest were for adept and magus years.

  “These will help us when we all get together again in Krogga,” Yukiko said. “Lightshield planned well ahead for us. I wonder what the tag meant by ‘you will know when you get to the Embassy’?”

  “He was playing with the future…” Gregory said. “I’m sure it’ll be clear when we get there.”

  Mindie let out a small yawn. “Oh, excuse me.”

  “It is late, and we should get our normal routine in before leaving,” Yukiko said. “Time for bed.”

  “Bed, and after some fun, sleep?” Jenn asked.

  “As my hearts wish,” Gregory smiled, standing up.

  Chapter Two


  The tournament with Buldoun went well. It was broken into two parts: combat and Empire’s Gambit. The combat portion was single combat, clan combat, and then the empire against Buldoun. For my clan, it was just me, Jenn, and Yuki fighting. In the single combat rounds, I won every match, and they almost won all of theirs. For the clan fights, we won them all. The end of the last fight came down to me against one of the Buldoun mages, but I was victorious.

  My friends did amazing in the Empire’s Gambit tournament. When the dust settled, the empire held the field, with my friends being a key component. I didn’t get to play, but I did get to watch the game.

  There is bad news to cover, but before I get to that, there is another bright point to tell you about. I’m not sure if you remember the fox-eurtik healer from the tournament. Her name is Mindie. She joined the clan just before we left for Buldoun. We’ve known her for a couple of years, and after a lot of discussion, she married into the family. Yuki, Jenn, and Mindie are all married to me now.

  I know you’re probably shocked by that. I should warn you that she won’t be my last wife. You’ve heard of my friends from me, and Yuki believes that they’ll join us, too, so please be ready for those letters in the future.

  Now, the bad news: Elder Lightshield died during the tournament. His last act was serving the empire by saving me and a mage from Buldoun, Claudia. Someone sent assassins after her, and I was with her at the time. We fought them off and managed to escape to Lightshield. He killed the majority of the attackers before one of them got him and fled.

  That leaves the clan a little shaky, but Bishop is stepping into the role of Clan Leader. It turns out that she’s distantly related to Lightshield’s grandfather, and a member of Lightshield’s family has always been the leader of the clan. I know she’ll do her best for the clan, so if you worry for us, trust in the woman who protected our village for twenty years to do the right thing now.

  I heard from Hao about the business deal he set in place for Alturis. He told me about how you’re going to be the one to watch over his business there. I’m sure you and Gunther will make sure his deal is honored. I had no idea he was arranging it, but I’m happy to hear that the village will have the chance to grow.

  How are things there? Have Gunnar and Eloria had a second kid yet? I’ll be sending them a similar letter, but wanted to know how they’re doing from you, too. I heard about Ria’s kid and how you had to speak with her. I hope she’s okay. I know it’s not what she wanted, but this is for the best. Are she and Stan okay?

  I’m off to train with my men. I’m writing this on the last day of the trip to Grakle. I’ve been told what to expect, but I know actually doing it will be different. If things work out after this year, I’ll be off to my adept posting, then my magus. It’s near certain that I’ll be posted to the Kroggian Embassy for my magus years. If things go the way we hope, my wives will be there with me. That’s my hope right now.

  I love you. I’m glad we’ve mended our differences. You’ll do great in your new role.

  Your loving son,

  Gregory Pettit.

  Finished writing the letter, he rolled it closed.

  “Dear one?” Yukiko asked.

  “My letter to my father is done.” He passed it to her. “I’ll be starting on one for Gunnar in a moment.”

  “I have the one for my father done, too,” Mindie said. “I’ll make sure they get posted.”

  “Since we won’t have time when we reach the city,” Jenn sighed. “We get a night together, and then the next morning, we’re all shipping out.”

  “We’ll all get a week with Mindie every two months, and a single day with each other,” Gregory nodded. “Well… that’s not entirely true. I’ll get a day with each of you, but you and Yuki won’t get time with each other at all.”

  “That’s less than we hoped, but better than nothing. I’m not looking forward to our adept years,” Yukiko added. “I am looking forward to our magus posting, though.”

  “We’ll have the others with us again,” Mindie smiled. “At least Clover, Ling, and Roshana. I doubt Daciana, Nessa, and Vicky are included in that.”

  “It would be hard to believe they would be,” Jenn grumbled, “but we can have hope.”

  “Hope is good,” Gregory said.

  “Do you think Bishop already sent us letters about how they did in the tournament?”

  “I’m not sure,” Yukiko said. “They might’ve written them and asked them to be sent to us, but they might’ve waited to tell us about the training period in Waterrock, too.”

  “Not sure if I want them to have waited or not now,” Gregory chuckled. “How do you think Daciana did with Kassidy?”

  Jenn snickered. “Probably terribly to start with. Her eagerness would cause problems with bellows work, but I’m sure she’d settle down after that. Kassidy is a kind woman even with all her gruffness. I know Daciana studied hard, so she’ll have the knowledge of what to do, just no hands-on experience.”

  “I’m more interested in how Nessa did with Brown,” Yukiko said. “She’d have had to pass his test to even be trained by him. Dia told us about some of the things he’s asked people to do before.”

  “I haven’t heard about it,” Mindie said. “What kind of test?”

  “Using a katana as the only kitchen tool, or cooking while blindfolded.”

  “Goodness, that’s evil…” Mindie whispered.

  “Dia said his nickname is ‘Cutthroat Cook’ because of it,” Jenn added.

  “She’s smart and has had experience in the kitchen with her mother,” Gregory said. “I don’t think Lightshield… would have put her in a position to fail.” His words hitched for a moment after Lightshield’s name.

  “It’s still raw…” Yukiko murmured.

  “He chose his time,” Jenn whispered.

  “We’ll honor his name and sacrifice,” Mindie added.

  “We will,” Gregory agreed. “Just the memory of him planning it all out for the clan… he was sure the clan would be fine, but I worry.”

  “All we can do is trust in the plans he made,” Yukiko said, rubbing Gregory’s knee.

  “In time, I’ll be able to help like he did, but I don’t think it’ll be soon.”

  “Whenever you can will be soon enough,” Jenn said softly.

  “Let’s focus on the here and now,” Mindie said. “Your men were trained by your father’s men, right, Yuki?”

  “Yes. They’ll be better than conscripts,” Yukiko nodded. “Our trainers might be surprised at how well-trained they are. I’m sure they’ll be equal to what the Great Clans have for their favorites.”

  “Jento would’ve done his best,” Gregory said. “He’ll have stayed on to train our friends’ men, right?”

  “I’m sure he will have. Not just theirs, but the men for all of those in the year under us. Father said the training was expanded and paid for by the clan.”

  “We have no idea what the tournament at the end of this year is, and neither Egil nor Willof would say.”

  “I’m sure others know, so why keep us in the dark?” Jenn murmured.

nbsp; “Maybe the training we’re going to do is going to be tested?” Yukiko suggested. “That would make the most sense.”

  “Agreed,” Gregory nodded. “It’ll be a tournament around us commanding our men.”

  “I’m sure we’ll get hints as the year goes on,” Jenn said.

  “You should,” Mindie agreed.

  “I’m going to start on the next letter,” Gregory said, summoning another blank scroll to his hand from his storage ring.

  The others chatted while Gregory penned his letter to Gunnar.


  The sun was well past midday when they arrived in Grakle. The city was in the southeastern part of the empire, closer to Limaz than Buldoun, but still safely inside the borders. Even with the fast carriages, it’d taken a little over a week to reach their destination.

  The carriages dropped them off in front of a manor, not an inn. Gregory and the others were a little confused, as they’d honestly expected an inn. When Egil got out of the second carriage, he gave the place a look before nodding.

  “Armsmaster, are we not staying at an inn?” Yukiko asked.

  “This will be my home for the next year. Mindie’s, as well. She will be staying here to act as my helper. I will give her time off during your weeks off, so don’t worry,” Egil chuckled. “This manor is owned by the empire to host the one overseeing the training in the area. The staff should’ve prepared rooms for us.”

  The seven of them approached the front door, which opened before they reached it. A man with obvious bear eurtik blood opened the door and bowed to them. “Greetings and welcome. I am Drav, the butler. I have made all the arrangements for tonight and for the magi to be on their way tomorrow.”

  “Good,” Egil said. “We’ll have dinner in a few hours. Before then, we’ll need the baths prepared. Show the magi to their rooms. The magus behind me will be my assistant while I am here.”

  “Yes, sir,” Drav replied. “Motchi, please show our guests to the rooms prepared for them, then get the baths in order.”

  “Right away.” The woman he’d addressed was clearly a bat eurtik. “If you will follow me.”

  “I wish to see my office first,” Egil said.

  “Right away,” Drav said, leading Egil away from the others. “My helpers will collect the baggage.”

  A pair of younger boys rushed out to assist with the chests that’d been on the second carriage.

  Motchi led them down a hall, then up a set of wide stairs to the second floor. “If we were told correctly, some of you are married?”

  “We are,” Gregory said. “My wives; Yukiko, Jenn, and Mindie.”

  Motchi blinked in surprise for a moment, then stopped before a door. “This is the largest room we have for guests. It would be most comfortable for you. We were advised that it will remain the room for the assistant.”

  “At least I won’t have to move,” Mindie smiled. “Thank you.”

  “If you two will follow me a little farther,” Motchi told Willof and Rafiq. “The baths are back on the ground floor. There are two of them, each can hold a handful of people at a time.”

  The family was glad to hear they could get one more bath together. They were sharing glances when they entered their room. It was a suite with a sitting room large enough for a dozen people to sit comfortably. A side table was clearly there for people to use as needed for meals or work. Mindie pushed on to the bedroom; the bed was large, big enough for the four of them to snuggle, or for three to have more room.

  “A little snug tonight, but plenty big enough for later,” Yukiko said.

  Jenn sighed. “I already don’t like this year and next, and we’ve barely begun.”

  “Agreed,” Gregory said, shifting over to hold her from behind.

  “We’ll survive,” Yukiko said and joined in on the hug.

  “It’ll be worth it in a couple of years when we’ll have many more together,” Mindie added, the last to hug the others.

  “No idea what we’ll face this year, but we’ll endure, grow stronger, and be ready to love each other all the more,” Gregory said. “Hard paths make the best magi… we’ve faced some trials, but we’ve grown because of them.”

  “We’ll continue to do so,” Jenn said, happily sandwiched between her lovers.

  “We might not be together in body, but we’ll always be together in spirit,” Yukiko smiled, kissing Jenn’s forehead.

  “But in body occasionally, too,” Mindie giggled.

  The others laughed with her, soaking in the love they shared.

  Chapter Three

  Jenn let out a deep breath, her body tingling pleasantly. “Happy year, indeed.”

  “Very happy year,” Gregory murmured, kissing her thigh.

  “Happy year,” Yukiko and Mindie giggled, each of them kissing Jenn’s cheeks.

  “I love all of you waking me that way,” Jenn smiled at her lovers. “I didn’t realize it was today. If only we had the day to spend together.”

  “Instead, we’re all splitting apart,” Yukiko sighed as she got out of bed, brushing at her slowly regrowing white hair. “Breakfast with Egil and the others, then out the door. If not for our storage items, we’d have to arrange for baggage.”

  “I wonder what Rafiq and Willof will do about that?” Gregory sighed.

  “We’ll find out soon,” Mindie said, also getting out of bed to dress.

  “Greg, I can’t get out of bed with you there,” Jenn snickered, looking down at him.

  “Hmm… true,” Gregory smirked, then shifted to tower over her, claiming a soft kiss.

  Jenn let out a pleased sound as she wrapped her arms and legs around him, holding him to prolong their kiss. Her body was small and slight, but she’d trained like they all had— with her physical enhancement magic on top of that, she could keep him there as long as she wanted.

  “Should we break them up, or let them have a little longer?” Yukiko asked Mindie.

  “It’s her day. Besides, I like watching them,” Mindie snickered, her fox ears twitching.

  “That’s true,” Yukiko laughed. “Fine. They have until we’re dressed.”

  Gregory broke the kiss before that, staring down into Jenn’s hazel eyes. “I love you, Jenn.”

  She touched his face gently. “And I you, my heart.”

  With a sigh, Gregory got out of bed before his body could try to encourage him to stay longer. His eyes tracked to his other wives, and he smiled softly as he watched them get dressed.

  Yukiko had decided to let her hair grow back, and it was beginning to show dividends. In a couple more years, she’d have the long, flowing hair that she’d had as a novice again. She glanced back, her cyan eyes catching his gaze. With a small smirk and wink, she went back to dressing. She was proper most of the time, but he’d come to understand that, out of all of his wives, Yukiko might be the most adventurous in some ways.

  Mindie donned her magus robes beside her. Her red-furred fox ears— a match to her hair— twitched because she knew he was watching her, and she loved being watched. If she’d had a tail, it would’ve been swishing happily. With a shy smile, she looked back at Gregory, her eyes captivating him again.

  Jenn went past him; her head didn’t quite reach his neck, as she was the shortest of them. Her naked body was all hard, sculpted muscle, even more so than the rest of them. She didn’t have her father’s dwarven broadness— she’d gotten his height, but her mother’s slight frame. She kept her black hair cut short to frame her face at the longest. She’d thought about growing it out when Yukiko’s matched hers in length, but opted to stay with what she grown used to.

  Gregory stretched, closing his eyes to remove the temptation of his wives’ nakedness. He couldn’t reach the ceilings in the room, even as tall as he was. He’d grown over the last few years, changing from the scrawny boy he’d been into a lean man with chiseled muscles. He’d never be a broad man like his father, but he’d overcome his clear weakness with good food and hard work.

  With a
grunt, he finished his stretch and finally went to dress, Yukiko and Mindie already done. “I’m going to miss all of you so much.”

  “As we will you, dear one,” Yukiko replied. “We’ll focus on doing our best to distinguish our clan again. When we get our week off, we’ll each have time with our dear healer.” Her eyes lingered on Mindie with a knowing twinkle. “And we’ll see you for a day, at least. I’ll be sad to not see our fierce fighter, though.”