Tales from the Dead Man Inn Page 21
The rest of that day Marian felt restless. She had started to get used to being beside Violet, and now she was reminded of the fact she didn’t have a class. Stopping in the middle of sweeping the hall, a smile started to bloom on Marian’s face as an idea came to her.
When Violet returned later that night and the two lovers lay exhausted in bed, Marian finally asked what she had been wanting to all day. “Violet, will ya help me with somethin’?”
“What do you need help with?” Violet asked sleepily.
“I want ya to take me huntin’,” Marian said.
“Can’t tomorrow, already planned out the day,” Violet told her. “How about the day after? We can hit whatever zone you’re good for.”
“Tha’ be fine, thank ya,” Marian said as she watched Violet’s eyes close. “I will finally find me class like me sisters have.”
The next day while Violet was out, Marian stopped by the Dark Lord’s Temple to offer up a prayer. Kneeling before the altar, she wasn’t expecting one of the side doors to open, nor was she expecting Almira to exit it.
Almira paused at seeing Marian. “Marian, why are you here?”
Marian bit her lip briefly, then stood and motioned to one of the pews. Once they were seated, Marian spoke hesitantly, “I be thinkin’ I will find me class tomorrow, and I be hopin’ tha’ a prayer mayhap help.”
“Hoping that your lover will be like your sisters?”
“What class are you hoping for?” Almira asked.
“The only class I have always hoped for was Paladin,” Marian said before meeting Almira’s eyes. “I always wanted to be like ya, Almira. Strong, brave, resolute, and willin’ to be there for ya friends regardless of the risk.”
Almira gave her a soft smile. “I see. I thought you’d moved past that when you were younger.”
“Nay. All through our class I wanted it, but it did nay happen,” Marian said softly. “I stopped hopin’ when no class came to me.”
“Come with me. We’ll get you some light gear you can use tomorrow, and some extra gear that you’ll be able to use if you do find your class,” Almira said standing up.
“Da’ and Ma’ do nay know of me plan yet,” Marian said a little guiltily.
“You want to keep it a secret?” Almira asked as they left the temple.
“Please,” Marian replied.
“Fine, but I need to make plans for your celebration—after all, you are finally going hunting,” Almira chuckled. “I’ll give them a false trail for you, and tell them after you go out.”
“Thank ya, Almira,” Marian cried out happily. “Ya have always been good to me.”
Later that night after Violet’s massage, Marian aggressively thanked the summoner. Panting as the moment passed, Violet let out a deep breath, “If that’s the reaction I get for taking you hunting, I’m going to have to do it more often.”
“Ya have nay idea what it means to be goin’ out tomorrow,” Marian murmured, exhausted, after her excitement had wound down.
“I have a little knowledge, since you’ve told me about how none of your sisters had a class before hunting with the one they love,” Violet said. “Are you sure you want me taking you?”
“Aye,” Marian murmured, snuggling up next to the naked summoner.
“Well then, precious one, get your sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy day.”
Waking with the sun, Marian was buzzing with excitement as she got out of bed and put on the armor Almira had given her. Violet woke as Marian finished getting into her new gear.
“Excited, I see,” Violet chuckled.
“It be like me insides are goin’ to fly away,” Marian said happily.
“Let’s not do that,” Violet laughed as she got out of bed. “We’ll eat some rations when we get out to the zone I picked out for you. Just give me a few minutes to gather my things.”
As soon as Violet was ready, the couple went downstairs and found Lilith behind the bar. “So early for you both to up and about. Armed and armored, no less,” Lilith smirked.
“Almira told ya, did she?” Marian said, saddened that her secret hadn’t been kept.
“Almira? Silly child, you’ve been more excited than ever over the last day, and I saw you sneaking in the other day with the leathers you’re currently wearing. I’m just sad you didn’t come to me, like your sisters did.”
Marian felt her cheeks burn. “It was nay like tha’.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t. Go have your hunt; at least now I know why Almira said she wanted to have dinner tonight,” Lilith laughed lightly. “Keep my daughter safe, Violet Two-souled, or we shall be having words.”
Violet frowned. “I shall keep her quite safe.”
“Then we shall be happy to see you both for dinner,” Lilith said.
Marian gave Violet’s wrist a squeeze. “Let’s be goin’.”
Violet nodded and stepped out of the inn with Marian on her arm. “I was planning on the Frozen Snowdrifts. Is that good with you?”
“Aye,” Marian said, beaming, as the couple walked toward the portal guild.
Marian was glad she had gotten armor from Almira rather than her mother. The Frozen Snowdrifts were cold and the skimpy leathers her mother wore would never have kept her warm. Once they reached the zone and picked up the quests, Violet summoned her minions and formally introduced them to Marian.
“You’re the one who has taken my place as her favorite?” the succubus said as she smiled at Marian. “My Mistress has exquisite taste.”
Marian grinned. “Violet, I be nay upset iffin ya want her to join us at times.”
Violet smirked. “Oh, really? Maybe we can arrange that later tonight. First, though, we have mobs to kill and loot to collect. Theo, be a dear and go grab our first foe. Gummy, you are to wait until it is back to us before you attack it. If you do a good job, I’ll step on you later.”
The Imp, Gummy, prostrated himself on the ground. “Thank you, Mistress.”
“Step on him?” Marian blinked.
“It’s a fetish of his. I found that it gained me quite a bit of reputation with him before the gods changed things.”
“What of me, Mistress?” Ivy the Succubus asked as she swayed in place.
“You are Marian’s protector for now. Use your healing to keep her healthy,” Violet told the Succubus. “In fact, you and Vine,” Violet used Copy on the Succubus, “are to both keep her safe. Once she has found her niche, we’ll pick up the pace and Dore will handle it.”
“Ya gave their Copies names?” Marian blinked, surprised by the idea.
“Of course—it makes combat easier that way,” Violet said as Theo led a Frozen Skeleton toward them.
It was hours later, when Violet had her minions pulling large groups to take them down, that the moment came for Marian. Theo pulled a few more than he could easily keep aggro on, and Gummy’s AoE Fire Burst hit them all, sending five mobs toward the Imp.
“No,” Marian growled, frustrated that she still hadn’t found her class. A ring of black sprang up on the ground around her, and shadowy chains shot out to ensnare the undead. Gasping as she felt the tug of Mana being used, Marian began to cry tears of joy.
Violet was at her side quickly. “What happened? Are you okay?”
“Dark Bindings. It be a Paladin spell to temporarily slow monsters,” Marian exclaimed before kissing Violet hard, jumping up to wrap her legs around the tall woman. “Ya did it! Me class... me long loved class, it be mine,” Marian said between kisses.
Violet held Marian to her while the Infernals dealt with the undead. The fight had been over for minutes before they finally came up for air. “You’re welcome,” Violet gasped, her breathing fast.
“I can train me Abilities,” Marian said, wiping away the tears of joy. “I always been wantin’ to be a Paladin of the Dark Lord, an’ now me prayer be granted.”
“Do you want to quit and go train?” Violet asked.
“Nay,” M
arian said, digging into her bag and pulling out the armor and weapons that Almira had given her to use if she became a Paladin. “I have all me normal spells. I can heal Theo and fight beside him.”
“Well then, how about we find a tank and another two damage dealers and go to the dungeon?”
Eyes wide, Marian nodded. “Oh, aye, please.”
Violet’s laugh was light and clear, “I think you’re going to be thanking me for a long time tonight, aren’t you?”
“Aye, and into tomorrow, iffin ya let me,” Marian said, her eyes full of love and lust.
“We’ll have dinner before that, right?” Violet asked.
“It be a family tradition,” Marian explained as Theo went to fetch more mobs.
Demon Lord’s Armor
The Dark Lord sat on his throne as Succubi roamed the hall, meting out pain or pleasure as needed to those bound to the pillars. Lips pursed in thought, his mind wandered to Alburet, wondering what the Two-souled Summoner was up to currently, and how close he was to completing the armor set for the first time in ages.
“Things are going to get interesting soon,” the Dark Lord muttered.
“It’s about time,” Mother said, coming to stand beside him. “What are you thinking about today, dear husband?”
“The armor. I made it so long ago, and it’s about to be reunited for the first time in ages,” he smiled fondly. “I find it reminds me how and why I created the set.”
“A trip down memory lane, dear?” Mother said as she eased herself onto his lap. “Why don’t I take a seat and you can tell me all about it.”
“You humor me,” he said, bending his head to kiss her softly.
“Because I love you,” Mother sighed when the kiss broke. “So tell me again, how and why you crafted the Armor of the Demon Lord.” Draping her arm over his shoulder, she snuggled in.
Letting his hands trail along her body, he smiled at her. “As you wish.”
Sitting on his throne, the Dark Lord growled at the news that the Overlord had given his brother, Justice, permission to make Angels to ‘counterbalance’ his own Infernal children. “Why does she baby him so?”
A flash of light made him sit up straight, and Victoria stood before him. “I do not baby him, or you. Stop being petulant. You have been told that everything must remain balanced.” She turned away, while continuing to speak, “I’m asking each of the gods in Alpha World to craft a set of armor for their favored class. Justice, of course, chose Paladins. Peace will craft armor for the Priest class, while Bastet favors Berserkers. Even Leo has rather grudgingly agreed to craft a set of armor, for Shamans. Am I mistaken in thinking you would wish to craft an armor set for Summoners?”
Sitting up straight, the Dark Lord bowed his head to Victoria. “Overlord. I would be proud to make the armor set for my people.”
“Good,” a smile fleeted across Victoria’s lips for a second. Eyes turning to the shadows beside the throne, she spoke again, “Eve, I have chosen you to make the armor for Necromancers.”
Stepping out from behind the Dark Lord, Mother bowed low. “I’m honored, Overlord.”
“Others might not view you as a god in your own right. However, you are the Dark Lord’s wife, and thus wield near godlike power. I consider you his balancing factor,” Victoria’s head dipped toward the Dark Lord.
“I’m truly at a loss,” Mother said, going to one knee before Victoria.
“You will do well. Make sure your daughters grow up properly, and the world will go as it should,” Victoria said.
“You have years to craft the best armor set both in terms of looks and bonus. It should consist of the basic six armor pieces, and have one bonus for collecting three pieces and another for having the entire set. Understood?”
“Yes, Overlord,” Mother said quickly.
“We can make the set bonuses anything we wish?” the Dark Lord asked.
Eyes narrowing, Victoria’s lips briefly ticked up. “Do not try to break my world. I will have the right to veto your armor and either make you redo it, or give it to your brother.”
Inhaling sharply as if slapped, the Dark Lord sat more upright. “I just wish to make it unique from anything the others might make.”
“I look forward to your finished product,” Victoria said evenly, before vanishing.
“She acknowledged me,” Mother said softly, her eyes full of wonder.
“I knew she would in time, my dear heart,” the Dark Lord chuckled. “Do your best for the Necromancers.”
“Of course,” Mother shot to her feet. “I need to speak with Bastet, and maybe Peace.”
The Dark Lord frowned. “Do you really need to talk to Peace?”
“She bears no ill will toward you,” Mother said as she went to him. “Your brother is like you, and thinks you are pampered by the Overlord as surely as you believe him to be. You’re too similar, and oh so different.”
Growling, he glared at her. “Fine, go talk to them. I need to contemplate what I should have for the set bonuses, and what the armor should look like.”
“What about the stat bonuses?” Mother asked, puzzled.
“That will be the easiest. I’ll simply copy what the others have done, and just change the stat to reflect what my Summoners will need.”
“Oh,” Mother said as she stared off into the hall, not seeing the Succubi, who had all frozen at the appearance of the Overlord. “I hadn’t considered that I can just use your stats as my template. I’ll be back soon.” Walking down the hall, she looked at her daughters. “Back to work, ladies.”
The Succubi scurried back to their tasks of pain and pleasure for those bound to the pillars. “Yes, Mother,” they all said, echoing each other.
The Dark Lord’s lips twisted into a feral grin. “I just need to make sure that Justice finishes his armor first, so he can’t match mine.”
He shook his head and looked around some time later, seeing that the room had gone dark and the bound ones were all sleeping peacefully. Getting to his bare feet, he quietly padded from the throne room, toward his bedroom.
Finding it empty, the Dark Lord frowned. “Where are you, Eve?” Sighing, he went to the large bed and lay upon it. “Somedays I wonder if I did the right thing, taking only you as my wife and refusing the priestesses who, even now, would join us. I tell them that more than one wife is right, and yet here I am with only you.”
Drifting into a meditative rest that wasn’t quite sleep, he opened his mind to the many ideas he’d had concerning this armor. The first choice was a simple, soft leather to be the base material since it was the best his followers could wear. He would ensure that this armor would truly be the best gear any Summoner could find. The appearance...that was a decision requiring more consideration.
When Eve crawled into bed with him, he pulled her close and finally let his mind shut off for the night. His dreams were of a horrible future, where Summoners and Necromancers turned on the human empire, which responded viciously. Waking slowly, with gruesome images of the rebellion still bright in his mind’s eye, he shuddered.
“Overlord, I hope that isn’t the future,” he grunted.
Mother woke up at his words. “What’s the problem, dear?”
“Hopefully just a nightmare, but I have a bad feeling that in the future, my disagreements with Justice are going to get much worse,” the Dark Lord said as he got out of bed. “Let’s go see what our daughters have made for breakfast, and we can talk about what you learned yesterday.”
“If that is your wish,” Mother said as she got out of bed and went to pick out a dress for the day. “I still don’t understand why you sleep in those pants most of the time.”
Looking down at his one item of clothing, he shrugged. “It just feels right to me.” He changed into an identical set of black leathers. “Ready?”
Dressed in a stunning red gown edged with black, Mother went to his side. “Of course,” her smile was wide when she watched his eyes track over her. �
�Unless you’d rather spend a bit more time here, first?”
Chuckling, he took her arm and tucked it into his, “Not today, temptress.”
After a wonderful breakfast made by Lilith, they ended up in the throne room. “Tell me, my lovely wife, what did you learn from the others?”
“You are interested, after all,” Mother chuckled softly. “I was wondering if you would be.”
Reaching out, he snagged her waist and dragged her into his lap. “Tell me, or I won’t give you the attention you want later.”