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Tales from the Dead Man Inn Page 25
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Page 25
“Sir Gilden, please, come and sit,” Lord Carradine said, not bothering to stand.
Bowing his head to the higher ranked noble, Skippy took in the richly embroidered saffron robes and bald head that were Lord Carradine’s trademark. The aura of calm that radiated off the older man put Skippy further at ease. “Lord Carradine, thank you for taking time to speak with me.”
“Of course. You’ve done well for my initiative before the crown, Sir Gilden. How is your father?”
“He remains as he has for years, Lord. I shall let him know you asked after him.”
“We used to see eye to eye, but after he fell ill we stopped seeing each other as much. Pity, but it must be as the Gods will.”
“As you say, Lord Carradine.”
“I originally intended simply to thank you and praise you for your efforts. Now, though, there is another matter we should discuss. What do you know of the Two-souled called Alburet, and his fledgling Guild, Alpha Company?”
Skippy kept his smile firmly fixed in place as hatred welled up inside him, doing his best to speak normally. “Alburet Two-souled has been a thorn in my side since his appearance in the city, Lord. How did he come to your attention, if I may ask?”
“The artifacts that Sir Dracon recently presented to the King came from this Alburet. I have a meeting with him tomorrow to inquire about the location where the book was found. What can you tell me that might help me in my meeting?”
“He’s blunt, and doesn’t know his place as a commoner,” Skippy said, a hint of his anger slipping out. “Alburet seems to dote on his newly wedded commoner wife, a Stacia Crowley. Not surprising, considering the rumors about that family, and that Alburet is a Summoner.”
“A Summoner, you say?” Carradine said, sitting forward slightly. “Does he follow the Dark Lord?”
“The wedding was at the Dark Lord’s Temple, where my brother met his wife’s sister. That commoner is interfering with the marriage of Wilbur to the eldest daughter of the House Cortess.”
“They say that the Two-souled are changing the world much more than when they last appeared. What do you know of that?” Carradine sat back, apparently unhappy that Alburet seemed to be so strongly entrenched with the Dark Lord.
“I have seen them, but have not had dealings with them,” Skippy said, suddenly feeling like he was failing Lord Carradine.
“Disappointing, young Gilden,” Carradine sighed.
“I can approach some of them with various tasks. They seem amenable to anything, if the pay is good enough,” Skippy said quickly.
“That’s interesting,” Carradine mused. “I have a task for you that I wish you to keep between us. Find those members of Alpha Company that are willing to do our bidding. Set a few of them to cause issues, but keep a few back as secret informants. I feel we shall need ears inside that Guild, in time.”
Bowing his head, Skippy spoke quietly, “If that is what I can do to best aid you, Lord Carradine.”
“Depending on how you do, I may see about getting your House moved to the low end of the major Houses,” Carradine said, dangling a carrot for the ambitious noble.
“Of course. I shall not fail you,” Skippy said.
“Very good,” Carradine pulled the cord next to him, bringing his butler back to the room. “Jeeves, our meeting is over. Please see Sir Gilden to his carriage.”
“As you wish, master.”
Skippy followed Jeeves to his carriage in silence, already trying to think of ways to accomplish the task he’d been set. One of the goals he’d sought for so long was just within his grasp: House Gilden raised up to stand amongst the Major Houses.
Sitting in his office the following night, Skippy smiled. His first attempt to engage some members of Alpha Company had gone quite well. The red-furred Lunari was unpleasant to deal with, but had been very agreeable to his requests when the money was put forward.
“I am looking forward to seeing how you deal with her and her friends, Alburet,” Skippy chuckled out loud.
The soft sound of movement behind him startled Skippy. He’d only started to turn when a dagger poked into his side, just enough to break the skin. Almost instantly, the paralytic poison on the blade took effect, freezing him in place. Unable to curse or move, Skippy seethed as he realized what had happened to him. It was a surprise when Vetenarie came around to sit on the desk beside him.
“It turns out your target has fangs, Sir Gilden. You have made an enemy who will be much more dangerous than you could possibly realize. Right now, you’re probably wondering why I’ve paralyzed you, when you hired me to kill him. I killed him twice, but on the third attempt, he was able to turn the tables on me. I hadn’t expected that to happen, and had to concede that I was bested. The parole for my life was for the last attempt to be returned to the sender, so here we are. I’ll make this as quick and painless as I can, but I won’t be taking a contract on Alburet again. Actually, neither will the Guild, as he and the officers of Alpha Company have just been given two months of immunity from us. I hope you have a good day once you come back... if you come back. Ta.”
Vetenarie stepped behind him and covered Skippy’s face with a liquid-soaked rag. As his eyes started to shut, Skippy cursed Alburet’s name and vowed to find a way to get back at the Two-souled. Unconscious, he didn’t feel the knife cut his throat a moment later, nor did he see Vetenarie look through the book on his desk before slipping away.
Skippy had a good day. Dinner with his wife had been pleasant, and she had even promised to share a bed with him later that evening. Walking to the library for a bit of relaxation until his wife called for him, Skippy felt like he was king of the world.
Settling in at his desk, he had Jackson bringing him some cognac as he opened up the ledger for the day. Jackson returned with the drink, and a look of stoic determination on his face.
“What is it, Jackson?” Skippy asked as he accepted the drink.
Jackson paused as Skippy took a sip. “Sir, I have heard something you shall not like the sound of. I’m loathe to bring it to your attention, but I feel I must.”
Setting the cognac aside, Skippy stared at his normally unflappable butler. “Tell me.”
“My cousin works in the archives, sir, as I’ve mentioned before,” Jackson said, trying to lead up to it.
“Yes. Sadly, he will not help me with expediting some research,” Skippy said as his eyes narrowed.
“A short time ago, sir, it seems that Lady Theron filed some paperwork…” Jackson trailed off, not wanting to continue.
Skippy sighed, “Is she still trying to stir up trouble against the House because of her dead husband?”
“I’m afraid it’s not that pleasant, sir,” Jackson replied. He took a deep breath, then continued, “It seems she has filed paperwork naming an heir for her House. The King has already been notified.”
“Stupid bat,” Skippy snickered. “Did she dredge up a commoner?”
“I’m afraid not, sir. It appears that she has named Wilbur Gilden as her heir,” Jackson said.
Going dead silent, Skippy’s eyes turned to Jackson. The smoldering anger in them caused Jackson to step back a pace. “She has named my brother as heir to House Theron?”
“That is what my cousin told me, sir. He wished to congratulate you on being assured of your role as Lord Gilden once your father passes.”
“Get out,” the two words were barely audible, and Jackson fled from the emotion behind them.
As soon as the door had shut, screams of rage and the sound of breaking furniture began inside the library. “You utter ass, you would deny me my rightful victory over you?!”
Skippy declined to attend the ceremony at the castle that saw his brother being named Lord Theron before the nobility. Instead, he was busy making sure his minions inside Alpha Company caused more issues, and that his spies were well behaved.
Two days after his brother’s elevation, Jackson inte
rrupted him in the library. “Sir, you have guests. Bloodmoon and two of her companions are here to see you.”
Frowning, Skippy put the ledger away. “Show them in.”
Bloodmoon stalked into the room, trailed by her friends, all of them visibly disgruntled. It was the lack of Guild emblem that Skippy fixated on. “What happened?” he demanded of them.
“Fucking asshole kicked us out of the Guild. He got all upset over us killing fellow guildies,” Bloodmoon snapped as she took a seat.
“So you’ve lost your position of usefulness to me?” Skippy asked coldly.
“We did what you wanted,” Bloodmoon growled. “You told us to up the ante. We did, and this is the result.”
“What good are you to me now? I wanted you to cause issues from inside Alpha Company.”
“What if we join a different Guild and do the same thing, but not as intense?” Waller asked.
“I doubt any other Guild is having the same impact,” Skippy snapped at the Defender.
“A lot of Guilds are going to be aiming to take one of the Keeps that are available now,” Icestorm said. “If we pick the right Guild, we can maybe get you an in with them.”
Skippy considered what Carradine would ask him to do. “Very well. Find a Guild that is actually going to be able to capture a Keep. Do not cause them issues. I want to know all about them, and how I can get them to do as I wish.”
Bloodmoon got to her feet and started toward the door. “As long as you keep paying, we will.” The other two followed her from the room.
Jackson came back a few moments later. “I have seen them out, sir.”
“Get word to my spies inside Alpha Company. I want to know if they decide to go for one of the Keeps,” Skippy said as he opened the ledger back up.
“As you command, sir.” Jackson bowed his head and left the room.
Sitting in the parlor as he waited for Lord Carradine to arrive, Skippy felt a moment of hesitation. What if he doesn’t think my information is worth his time? Pushing the thought away, Skippy stood as the door opened.
Carradine came in with a slow, measured pace, giving Skippy a thin smile. “Sir Gilden, I was surprised to hear you wanted to meet. I do not have much time, so if you could make this brief?” Taking a seat, Carradine steepled his fingers and waited for Skippy to explain why he had asked for a meeting.
Sitting after Carradine did, Skippy licked his lips and cleared his throat. “I know you’ve had an interest in Alpha Company, Lord Carradine. I wished to tell you what I’ve found out. They are planning to attempt to take a Keep, much as a number of other Two-souled Guilds are doing currently.”
Carradine seemed disappointed with that news, so Skippy quickly pressed on. “What is not general knowledge, is that they are heading deep into the Dead Lands. The Guild leader has said it may be a weeks-long journey. They also have the backing of House Jones, House Dracon, and House Theron.” The last name was uttered with poorly concealed bitterness.
Carradine’s brows had risen at the news of Alpha Company’s plans and his lips twitched at the hatred just barely suppressed by Skippy. “Did they have a specific destination?”
“Not that I currently know of, but as soon as I know more I can send a message to you,” Skippy said, seeing the interest in Carradine’s face.
“I will be waiting to hear if they have a specific target in mind. There are a number of ruins in the sands that might hold an interest to me,” Carradine said as he got to his feet.
Rising with Lord Carradine, Skippy bowed his head. “I will let you know anything I find out. Two of my spies are with Alpha Company on this journey.”
“Excellent, young Gilden,” Carradine chuckled. “I shall have to find a way to properly thank you, if you continue as you have.”
“Learning from you is reward enough, Lord Carradine,” Skippy said.
“There is much more I can teach,” Carradine said, his eyes going momentarily hooded. “Maybe in time, I will show you something that not many know. A road to power that has long lain dormant, but for a select few.”
Skippy bowed from the waist. “I would be honored.”
“We shall see if you are worthy, in time. Good day,” Carradine left the room and Jeeves entered to show Skippy out.
Skippy sent Lord Carradine a message a week later, informing him the destination for Alpha Company was the Keep of Gwain. When no reply came back from the Lord, Skippy fretted that he had failed. Every night, he received messages from both of his spies, detailing the day’s events for the raid. When they finally reached the Keep, Skippy cleared his calendar for the day and waited to hear if they had been successful or not, so he could inform Lord Carradine.
The message came later that day, just as Skippy was beginning to think they had failed spectacularly. Reading through the message, he made a few notes before ringing for Jackson.
“Yes, sir?”
“Bring the carriage around and send a runner to House Carradine. Let the Lord know that I’m coming with new information.”
“As you desire, sir,” Jackson said before leaving the room.
Less than an hour later, Skippy sat in the same parlor he had been in weeks ago. When Carradine entered, the Noble wore a hopeful expression. “Sir Gilden, I do hope your news brings me joy today.”
“I shall endeavor to do so, Lord Carradine,” Skippy replied, bowing fractionally from the waist before taking a seat after the powerful noble. “It seems Alpha Company defeated Gwain and has claimed the Keep.”
“Pity,” Carradine said. “I was going to arrange for my forces take the Keep for myself once they had given up. This is not the news I had been hoping for.”
“There is a bit of strange news regarding the raid,” Skippy said, unsure if the information would help him gain more standing. “Besides Gwain, there was a being even more powerful at the Keep. It seems Gwain had a wife, a woman by the name of Ophelia, who used magic to entrap and torment the minds of those on the raid.” A hint of evil satisfaction at the mental image of Alburet screaming in agony slipped out with his words.
Carradine sat forward abruptly. “Ophelia, you say? Do you have a description of her?”
Skippy, taken aback by Carradine’s sudden interest, stumbled as he scanned his notes. “A beauty to rival any other. Her voice was smooth and haunting. It is said that she spoke of a ‘Master,’ and smelled him on Alburet.”
Carradine’s eyes gleamed with eagerness. “Oh, indeed…” He stood, looking at Skippy with a broad smile. “You have done very well indeed, young Gilden. I must check into some things and arrange for matters. In the coming days, I will summon you again. It will be time to advance some plans that have long been in abeyance. Are you willing to stand beside me, to walk a path most know not, and to reap power that has long been suppressed?”
Skippy felt Carradine’s excitement and nodded eagerly as he stood. “I am your loyal ally, Lord.”
“Very well. Keep your spies buried, we will have need of them shortly. It is finally time. My father had hoped…” Coughing, Carradine nodded. “We will speak more later.” Leaving the room with quick steps, Carradine dismissed him.
“Maybe it is finally time for me to become Lord of House Gilden,” Skippy murmured to himself as Jeeves came to escort him out.
“Lord Carradine always rewards his faithful allies,” Jeeves said as he opened the front door for Skippy. “You are rapidly becoming one he will groom for a position of import.”
Skippy nodded aloofly. “As it should be.”
Days later, Skippy was summoned to House Carradine once again. When he arrived, Skippy was surprised to see a number of other carriages already there. Jeeves met Skippy at the door and led him to a formal meeting room, where a dozen other major nobles were mingling.
Standing even straighter, Skippy greeted those already present, getting affable greetings in return instead of the cold greetings he was used to from these nobles. May
be Carradine has spoken of me to them, Skippy thought, taking a drink from a server in the room.
As if his thoughts were a summoning charm, the door opened and Carradine himself came into the room. All those present bowed their heads and greeted the Lord of the House. Carradine went right to Skippy with a smile in place.
“Good, Sir Gilden has arrived. We can start our meeting in earnest. I’ve told all of you about what he’s done.” Carradine said, leading the nobles over and taking his seat at the head of the table. “Gilden, you sit to my right for this meeting,” Carradine said easily, leaving the remaining seats for the rest of the gathered nobles.
Skippy swelled in pride at sitting at Carradine’s right hand. “As you wish, Lord.”