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Tales from the Dead Man Inn Page 26

  “We have a problem that we need to find a solution to before further plans may be brought into play. Gilden wasn’t here for the first part of this meeting, but he is vital to our plans going forward, as he has assets in place for getting the information we want. Gilden, the problem that we foresee is the Two-souled. They can’t be killed, not permanently, so we need to find a way to convince them to leave this world.”

  “They dislike being killed by the Assassins,” Skippy said. “Some of them are Assassins, so maybe that could be used to spark some internal strife with them.”

  “A solid idea,” Carradine said. “We briefly discussed it, but we were unsure. We need a test run to see how well it might work.”

  “Alpha Company,” Skippy suggested quickly. “Sadly, the officers are immune from contracts, but their members are not. We can see how badly they can be demoralized by being generally hunted.”

  “As I had thought,” Carradine added. “Gentlemen, please bring the required money to me in the next few days.” The other nobles rose to their feet, saying their goodbyes. When Skippy went to stand, Carradine touched his arm with a single finger. “We are not done yet.”

  Skippy took his seat again, puzzled, but hopeful that he could be useful. The others were gone, and Jeeves came in with brandy and glasses, pouring for both lords before presenting cigars. The silence stretched on, and Skippy couldn’t wait any longer. “Lord Carradine?”

  “I was considering how ready you are for the next few steps, Gilden. You will be Lord of House Gilden by the end of the year.”

  Skippy was excited, yet sad. “What of my father?”

  “I know he has been very ill, and has died due to his condition a number of times, but has always come back,” Carradine said, exhaling a perfectly formed ring. “There is a way to make sure he dies the Final Death.”

  Skippy was repulsed by the idea, but a darker part of him yearned for what he considered his birthright. “I’m… listening,” Skippy finally managed.

  “Good,” Carradine said, his smile widening. “That is one of the first steps, to know that sometimes, power comes at the cost of those you love.” Sipping at the brandy, Carradine set the snifter aside a moment later. “Speaking of… your brother is going to be a thorn in our side later.”

  “Kill him,” Skippy said flatly.

  “Very good indeed, Gilden,” Carradine chuckled. “We shall talk again once we see if your plan bears fruit. Come back in three days and bring some coin with you, for we shall be setting up a large account for the Assassins to draw from.”

  Setting the cigar in the ashtray provided by Jeeves, Skippy got to his feet. “As you wish, Lord Carradine.”

  As he was being led out, Skippy’s mind was running in circles. Will you really sacrifice both Wilbur and father, for an unknown promise of power? he asked himself over and over as he climbed into his carriage. If it gets me what I’ve always wanted, it will be worth it, he told himself as the carriage began to move.


  It was three days later that Skippy met again with Lord Carradine. They, along with a dozen other lords, visited the Assassin’s Guild. A number of players saw them and commented as the collection of nobles went into the Guild. They were met by the leaders of the Assassin’s Guild, and led off to one of the private rooms.

  Sitting with the other nobles and being treated as an equal was quickly growing on Skippy. When his father had died again last night, Skippy had felt a thrill that it was time, but Gustuv had come back to life in the Graveyard and Hecule had brought him home again.

  “Greetings to you all. How might we help you today?” the deathly thin man with a full head of black hair asked the nobles.

  “Master Yamto,” Carradine greeted the head of the Guild. “We seek something unprecedented in the history of your Guild—we wish to open a joint contract on a Two-souled Guild.”

  Master Kato sat forward. “Why?”

  “We have our reasons,” Carradine said, brushing the Assassin’s question aside. “We know that contracts can be taken on the Two-souled, as you have already done so.”

  The Lunari in the group of Assassins spoke up, “Which Guild, out of curiosity?”

  “Alpha Company,” Carradine replied, as if the name was trivial.

  “Wasn’t their Guild leader made a noble just a few days ago?” Venenarie asked. “That would make him ineligible for your contract. Indeed, all of the officers of that Guild have immunity for some time yet.”

  “We are aware,” Carradine said with a headshake. “Do we really need the others here for this, Master Yamto?”

  “For something of this size, yes,” Yamto said, his annoyance plain to all in the room. “As long as the noble is not a target, and the officers are given their full allotment of immunity, then I shall allow it at the standard rates.”

  “I think this is a bad decision,” Vetenarie said softly.

  “Noted, and dismissed,” Yamto replied. “You should be happy, you have an opportunity to make a large profit from this.”

  “I wish to add a rider onto the contract,” Skippy said. “I shall personally put up bonuses for each officer killed once their immunity expires. On top of that, I will triple the payment from a separate fund if Alburet, or any of his wives, are killed.”

  Carradine raised a single brow, but remained silent at Skippy’s unscripted addition. Some of the other nobles exchanged looks, but also remained silent. Vetenarie didn’t, though. “Still mad he was able to send me back at you?”

  Skippy’s lip pulled back as he sneered at the Assassin. “I have not forgotten.”

  “If you agree with the contract and addition, Master Yamto, we can be done with our business here,” Lord Carradine said idly, as if already bored with the whole matter.

  “It is agreed. I see you brought the coin with you; our treasurer will account for it, and the extra that Sir Gilden is putting up,” Yamto said, rising to his feet in rather an eerie manner. “I wish you all a long, pleasant day.”

  Biteall, the Lunari Assassin, got to his feet and led the Assassins from the room while a whispered argument started up behind them among the gathered nobles.

  Bob’s Tale Part Two

  Walking away hand-in-hand with Loralee and Namida, Bob looked back at Alburet, who had just undergone the change to become a Half-blood Infernal. Chewing his lip, Bob wondered if maybe he wasn’t doing a bad thing. He had been willing to do anything to get Alburet to agree to the race change, at Mother’s request.

  Loralee looked down at him with a smile, “Worried we’re just using you to help Mother?”

  Looking up at her, Bob nodded, “Yeah.”

  “Loralee has been telling me a lot about you, Bob the Mighty,” Namida said from his other side. “Do you think she would if she wasn’t interested in you?”

  Looking over at the other Succubus Lady walking with him, Bob frowned. “I wouldn’t think so, but…”

  “It’s been almost a week, Bob,” Loralee said softly. “I came to your home twice in that time period. If I was just stringing you along, would I have done that? Would I have made you dinner the other night?”

  Bowing his head, Bob sighed, “No, you wouldn’t have. I’m just a Lesser Imp, though. No Succubus Lady should be interested in me.”

  “I would have agreed with you a week ago,” Loralee said as they walked the hallways. “I’ve changed my mind over the last week. I’d never gone to an Imp’s home to cook for them before yours.”

  “Tonight is the end, though, isn’t it?” Bob asked morosely.

  “It doesn’t have to be,” Loralee replied. “What if tonight was just the first of a new kind of night?”

  Brow furrowing, Bob looked at her with questioning eyes, “I don’t understand.”

  “Loralee has been considering an idea, that while outside the norm, I have consented to,” Namida told him. “Before we go down that road any further, let’s have tonight, okay? I know you’ve thought about Loralee and me kissing since that day in her room

  Bob flushed at the memory of the kiss. Loralee’s comments about maybe letting him see the two of them came flooding back to him. “Errr…”

  “You’re going to break him before we even start,” Loralee laughed lightly. Squeezing his hand to get his attention, she waited for Bob to look at her. “I told you I would let you see us together. Tonight is going to be that night…” she trailed off as she watched his eyes widen, “More than that— if you behave, you’ll be allowed to join us.”

  Bob just nodded dumbly as he let them lead him on. His mind was overcome with thoughts of what tonight might bring as all his blood rushed south. “Okay.”

  That evening was just about everything Bob could have hoped for. Laying there between the two Succubi, Bob panted. They had used him quite thoroughly.

  “You were right, Loralee,” Namida said languidly. “Bob is quite talented. Never thought an Imp, much less a Lesser Imp, could make me feel like that.”

  “I told you,” Loralee murmured as she laid her head on Bob’s chest. “Bob, earlier, Namida almost gave away an idea that has been in my head since our first night together. It goes against tradition, but I don’t care.”

  Blinking slowly as he tried to get his brain reengaged, Bob looked at her with a puzzled expression as he tried to figure out what she was saying. “I can’t think…sorry.”

  Loralee giggled, “It might not be the right time to bring it up, but I feel so happy.”

  “We both feel happy about the idea,” Namida said, laying her head on Bob’s chest next to Loralee’s. “Tell him,” she urged her friend.

  “Now that I know Namida is sold on the idea, too,” Loralee grinned. “Would you feel amenable to marriage, with us?”

  Bob had been sluggishly trying to figure out what was happening and what the women were talking about. When Loralee dropped the question, Bob’s mind went blank and his jaw dropped. He felt his eyes widen to the point of being in danger of exploding. “Wives? Both of you? With me? Married?”

  “Looks like you broke him,” Namida giggled. “Maybe we should try to restart his brain. I bet if I handle this,” her hand found her target quickly, “I can get him to think of something, at least.”

  “Yeah, looks like I did,” Loralee said, trailing kisses across Bob’s chest to Namida’s lips. “Maybe he just needs a little affection, like you said.”

  Alburet’s voice called for him hours later, and Bob vanished from the bed. He appeared before Alburet, a biting cold wind blowing around him.

  “Damn it,” Bob sighed as he puffed into existence. “I was just about to go back for round eight. Why is it so damned cold?”

  “We’re in the Snowblind Hills. It’s only going to get colder from here.” Karen paused, then asked, “Round eight?”

  “Yeah! I had two Succubi Ladies from the Dark Lord’s court treating me like royalty last night. Very little sleep was had. And they were both talking about marriage when I was called here. I very well might be starting my own family soon.”

  “Once they give birth to a child of yours, they will become Imp Mothers,” Tiny rumbled.

  “Yeah. Hopefully, neither of them wants a child for at least a few decades,” Bob chuckled. “Neither of them seemed in any hurry for that last night.”

  “We ready to start moving?” Gerald asked, tugging his jacket a little.


  Bob stood before the black altar, wearing a suit. He hated suits, even ones made for his wings, but today was a suit day. Bob looked to Tiny beside him, his fear of waking up plain on his Impish face.

  “Easy, Bob. They wouldn’t have asked just to not show now,” Tiny rumbled softly.

  “He’s right,” Rachel said from a few feet away. “No Succubus, much less a Succubus Lady, would stand you up now.”

  As if her words were a charm, Loralee and Namida came into view. The two Succubi were flying over the valley, aiming for the black altar where Bob stood with his friends. Bob’s jaw fell as he caught sight of the shimmering dresses that adorned their bodies. Both of them looked like the Ladies they were as they gracefully came toward them.

  Landing a few feet from Bob, they both gave him bright smiles. Loralee spoke softly, “Sorry for the delay. We took longer than expected deciding which dresses would work best.”

  “It’s fine,” Bob managed to say after a second. “Are you sure…about this?”

  Namida’s smile broadened, “Always so cute. We are sure, Bob. Do you doubt our affection and love for you?” Her bottom lip stuck out slowly, quivering.

  “No, never,” Bob blurted stepping to her. “I wouldn’t doubt you or Loralee.”

  “That is sweet, but you were doubting us just a moment ago,” Loralee said as she stood next to Namida.

  Bob looked away, “I was. It’s just—”

  Placing a finger across his lips, Loralee silenced him. “We are ready to pledge, Bob the Mighty, if you are.”

  Bob saw honesty in her eyes and nodded, offering his hand to her. “Loralee Flameeyes, if you and Namida Blackheart are both ready, I am as well.”

  Loralee and Namida each took one of his hands as they walked to the black stone altar. All of them placed their hands on the stone, exchanging smiles before Bob cleared his throat.

  “Dark Lord, we three have gathered here at the stone where your first Imp was said to have been born, to pledge our lives to each other. I am Bob the Mighty, Lesser Imp to Alburet Two-souled, and I pledge my love to Loralee Flameeyes and Namida Blackheart.”

  “I, Loralee Flameeyes, free Succubus Lady, do pledge my love to Bob the Mighty and Namida Blackheart.”

  “I, Namida Blackheart, free Succubus Lady, do pledge my love to Bob the Mighty and Loralee Flameeyes.”

  A low gong sounded, seeming to emanate from the stone altar, as a dark light snaked out to connect their hands to one another. A voice full of love came from the stone, “Two of my daughters, and with you, Bob. Today is a wonderful day. I do not doubt that you will prove their faith in you as you grow to be the one they were meant to be with.”

  Bob blinked, surprised to have Mother speaking to them during their wedding. Namida and Loralee both smiled brightly as Mother blessed their vows.

  “We worried that you wouldn’t accept our love, considering his station,” Namida murmured, bowing her head.

  “Silly dear,” Mother said, appearing behind them. “When have I ever been against love?”

  “Never,” Loralee said as the three turned to face Mother. “Still, we worried, as what we have done has never happened before.”

  “Children,” Mother giggled softly. “I have blessed your union, and feel nothing but happiness for you. I’m sure that your faith in your husband shall only be rewarded tenfold in the coming days. Right at this moment, the Overlord is announcing that Keeps are ripe for the finding by the Two-souled. I’m sure that Alburet will be amongst the first to strive for one.”

  “He will,” Tiny rumbled. “Alburet lives for challenges, he is fearless.”

  “Those are my thoughts as well, Tiny,” Mother smiled at him. “Don’t let me detain you from your wedding nuptials. We will be seeing each other again.”

  Mother vanished from where she stood, leaving the two families standing there. “Does she seem interested in Alburet more than normal?” Bob asked into the silence.

  “He’s on the path to become the next Demon Lord,” Rachel said. “I would imagine both her and the Dark Lord are quite interested.”

  “It’ll take him ages to find the other pieces, if they can be found,” Bob said.

  “That is a valid concern,” Loralee said. “We do, however, have a wedding night to celebrate. Maybe we can get you to focus on your new brides?”

  Her words brought him back to why today was really special, “Of course.”


  Bob told his wives of the ongoing trek across the sands of the Dead Lands. He had just advanced to being an Imp from a Lesser Imp, and both Loralee and Namida had been thrilled when he’d
returned to them stronger than when he had left that morning.

  “They’re moving quickly. All the help from the guards and mercenaries is making it possible,” Bob finished. “When he summons me in the morning, it will be with my new power.”

  “You said he makes sure that you are all there when he summons you?” Namida asked.

  “Yeah, it’s like a little party where we get to show off our new strength,” Bob said. “If he keeps gaining power the way he has been, I might make it to Improved Imp before we finish the quest.”

  “I’ve heard from one or two friends who are interested in joining our family,” Loralee said. “If you keep growing in power and prestige as you have been, we will most likely be adding to our family much sooner than even I had thought.”