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Tales from the Dead Man Inn Page 27
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Page 27
Bob grinned as Namida brought their food to the table, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, husband,” Namida said, collecting a kiss from him before taking her seat. “Do you think that everything will continue in the same, easy manner it has been?”
“There’s a rumor that the Dark Lord is having the Infernals move ahead of the raid to clear off some of the threats.” Bob glanced up at Loralee, hearing her sigh, “What is it?”
“It’s true,” Loralee said. “Namida and I were visiting one of my old friends at the castle, and she told us about it. The Dark Lord put out the command for all the Infernals between them and the Keep to engage the undead and to stay clear of the raid.”
Brow furrowing, Bob stopped eating and stared at Loralee, “Why?”
“To ease their travel. The Dark Lord seems to have a vested interest in getting this raid to Gwain’s Keep,” Loralee said, taking a bite of her food, hoping to prompt Bob to eat too.
“Is there something special about that Keep?” Bob asked. “I’ve heard Mother was the one to show them the way.” Picking his fork back up, Bob began to eat.
“Not long before the Empire lost the location of the Keep, it is said that someone arrived there that the Dark Lord had an interest in,” Loralee said slowly, not wanting to keep secrets from her husband. “That’s all I can say about it.”
“Is it going to be a problem for Alburet?” Bob asked.
“I don’t know. I do know the Dark Lord will be interested in knowing about the Keep after it has been cleared,” Loralee answered.
“Hmm. They’re all working well together, so they should be fine,” Bob said.
“You have more strength again,” Namida said, changing the topic. “Maybe we can try that new position tonight?”
Bob nodded with a big grin, completely forgetting the previous conversation as he was sidetracked by thinking about what tonight was going to be like. “Yeah, we can do that.”
Bob arrived home, greeting his wives with a sorrowful expression. “We lost a member of the raid tonight; one of the mercs, Gremin. He was a Lunari. I’m going to head over to Tiny’s and have a drink in his name.”
“We’ll come with you,” Loralee said, setting dinner off the stove.
When the trio arrived at Tiny’s, Rachel greeted them with a somber expression. “Tiny’s been waiting for you, Bob. It is good to see you both again Loralee, Namida.”
“I wish it was for a happy occasion,” Loralee said as she entered the home, “not to hold a wake for one of the lost companions who died a Final Death.”
“Yes, a Lunari named Gremin. I’ve been told. He died protecting others,” Rachel said.
“Destroyers take that seriously,” Namida said softly. “It must be tough.”
“All Tiny wishes is to protect those around him. Gremin dying while he was there stings him,” Rachel said, leading the women into the kitchen, while Bob went to the living room to find Tiny.
“I brought my best stuff,” Bob said, handing a bottle to Tiny. “Pour them up, and let’s toast.”
Tiny opened the bottle and poured off two shots of the dark red liquid. “To Gremin, a protector who did his best until the end.”
Downing the drinks, the two sat there as the heat rushed through their veins. “I didn’t see how he went down,” Bob finally said as he poured the next round.
“Neither did I. I was focused on helping Alburet and the others,” Tiny mumbled. “I feel like I failed to acknowledge his death when I should have.”
“None of us had the moment to keep track,” Bob said before raising his drink. “May Gremin be welcomed on Delta World.”
Downing the drinks, they felt some of the loss ebb away as the Infernal wine started to take hold. “Do you think Alburet will leave us?” Tiny asked suddenly. “I’ve been talking with a few of the other Destroyers, and at least two of them haven’t seen their masters in over a week.”
“He’s stuck here all the time, like the others of Alpha Company,” Bob said, trying to shrug off the statement, but cold fear had gripped his heart.
“Yeah, but some of them are saying that once the raid is over, they won’t be around nearly as often,” Tiny rumbled sadly. “What if he ends up similarly?”
“He’d tell us first,” Bob said sternly as Tiny poured another round of drinks. “Alburet has been kind and he wouldn’t just leave us.”
“To all protectors, we stand before death for them,” Tiny rumbled, holding his drink high.
Bob smiled. He had always found it amusing that Tiny had a hard time holding his liquor, even though he was substantially bigger than him. Bob saluted and downed the drink with his friend. The bottle only had one more shot each, and Tiny was starting to wobble where he sat. Bob poured the drinks, holding his for a moment.
“May Bastet welcome Gremin home, if he doesn’t go on to Delta World,” Bob said softly.
“Yeah,” Tiny said with a slur before he downed the last drink.
Bob watched as Tiny slowly slid sideways, until the Infernal came to a rest against the sofa and began to snore. “Rest well, my friend,” Bob said, getting to his feet and wobbling slightly. “We drank that fast,” with slow steps, he found the women talking softly in the kitchen. “Tiny is out.”
“We’ll get him to bed,” Rachel said as she and Tiny’s other wives got to their feet.
“We’ll be going,” Loralee said. “Tomorrow will come soon, and Bob still needs some food.”
“We’ll feed Tiny as soon as he wakes,” Rachel said. “I hope they don’t have any more losses.”
“From your lips to the Dark Lord’s ears,” Namida said as she picked Bob up. “I’ll carry you home.”
“Thanks, my legs are unsteady,” Bob said as he nestled against Namida’s chest.
Bob appeared in his home, his claws extended and a snarl on his face. Both Loralee and Namida stepped back from him, never having seen or felt him upset before. Panting as he came to realize he had paid for his attack with his life, Bob slumped to his knees. “I hope they pulled it off.”
“Husband,” Loralee said, going to him when he slumped, “are you okay?”
“Gwain was butchering us there at the end,” Bob said. “He killed Tiny, and was after Alburet. I was out of mana, so I had to resort to my claws and I attacked Gwain’s eyes. I got him, but I don’t know if they survived.”
“I’m sure we’ll find out soon,” Namida said.
Darkness welled up around Bob, and when it cleared, he was an Improved Imp. The three of them blinked, before Bob started to laugh, “They did it, they damned well did it!”
“You’re an Improved Imp,” Loralee said, her eyes shining. “You are amazing, dear husband.”
“He is indeed,” Namida cooed, sandwiching Bob between them.
“Alburet might call me to his side,” Bob panted, his eyes starting to glaze.
“We should give him a bit, then,” Loralee said, still holding Bob. “If he doesn’t call you to his side in a half an hour, we will be taking our husband to bed.”
“And testing out your improved stats the best way,” Namida purred in his ear.
Nearly a week later, Bob felt a surge through his body, as it became outlined in dark energy. “Huh? What’s happening?”
“Oh. She didn’t say it was going to be tonight,” Loralee smiled. “The Dark Lord is extending gifts to the Summoners who did him a favor with Gwain’s Keep. All the Summoners who went on that raid have received reputation with his followers, and the minions of those Summoners are now more powerful.”
Bob’s jaw dropped, “Wait, I’m stronger now?”
“Yes, dear husband. You have been empowered, and are stronger than every normal Infernal now, as are Tiny, Stacia, and every other Infernal on the raid,” Namida answered him. “You are coming to the place you always belonged for being the loyal Infernal you are. When all of us had our power equalized, it caused a bit of a s
tir, as you know. When it comes to light that one can be blessed by the Dark Lord and gain a little more strength, you will be one of the ones held up as an example.”
“Other Imps will look up to me?” Bob asked, his eyes unbelieving.
“As they should. The Lesser Imp, who captured the hearts of two Succubi Ladies,” Loralee whispered in his ear.
“Who has stood beside his master, always there to help, who has been praised and allowed to be himself,” Namida added from his other side. “We couldn’t be more proud of you, Bob.”
“Maybe we should take our virile husband to bed, and let him pamper us?” Loralee smiled at Namida.
“Alburet is attending a wedding,” Bob said eagerly as he grabbed their hands. “Let’s go have some fun. He won’t be calling on me today, as he won’t be leaving the city.”
Sated and relaxing with the two beautiful women who loved him, Bob wondered if a day could be any better than this had been. Alburet’s summons was a surprise, but he went as called, only to blink when he found himself in the middle of an event in the city.
“We are within Stormguard?” Tiny asked, standing next to Bob.
“The King has lifted the long ban today,” Alburet told the Destroyer.
“This is amazing,” Bob said as he took to the air, looking around wildly. “So many buildings, so many people.”
“Aye,” Kitten said as she stood beside Stacia. “Stacia’s sister be havin’ her weddin’ feast shortly.”
Bob dropped back to the ground, “You invited us to the wedding feast?”
“Seemed like a good idea at the time,” Alburet told the Imp. “I’m responsible for all of your actions while you are inside the walls. Your actions will reflect on me directly, so please keep that in mind.”
Tiny bowed his head, “Yes, master.”
“You can go when you wish to return to your wives. I thought you might enjoy the party.” Alburet grinned at his minions.
“I wouldn’t miss this! They’ll be so stunned that we can be summoned into the city now, because of my master,” Bob murmured too softly for any but Fluffball to hear.
The rest of the evening was a bit of a blur to Bob. He was greeted by the large number of Infernals who wanted to meet the minions of the Summoner who had made this moment possible. One of them was an old tormentor of Bob’s, who was shocked to see the formerly weak Imp now stronger than he. Bob gloated slightly, but kept it civil, not wanting to cause an incident that would reflect badly on Alburet.
Returning home later that evening, both Namida and Loralee were waiting for him with puzzled expressions. “Is everything okay?” Loralee asked. “You left us so suddenly, we were afraid something might have happened.”
Bob smiled at them as he took the seat between them. “Nothing bad. Something monumental has happened, and all because of Alburet.” Bob chuckled as his wives leaned against him and waited for him to explain.
Chewing his lip when he reappeared at his home, Bob was glad Alburet had let him off as easily as he had.
“Is there a problem, husband?” Loralee asked.
“I went too far teasing Gerald today, and I almost paid a price for it,” Bob sighed. “I’ve needled him since I’ve known him, but I made a comment about Marysue, and that set Gerald off, which got Alburet upset with me. Gerald was going to hit me, with Alburet’s approval, but then Marysue stopped him, and master just flicked me in the forehead.”
“I have told you not to tease his allies so much,” Loralee sighed.
“I know, but…I know,” Bob hung his head.
“Maybe we should discipline you tonight by not letting you join us,” Namida said from where she sat.
Bob opened his mouth then closed it, nodding before he spoke, “Yeah, maybe.”
His wives exchanged a look before Loralee spoke softly, “It seems like you are remorseful, so we won’t do that. You must support your master, even if his friends do make you want to say things. You know he dislikes it, and he has only ever been good to you, unlike your previous master.”
“I know,” Bob sighed. “It’s hard to change your nature though, and Gerald just leaves things hanging, begging to have them hit.”
Namida giggled, “Just try harder, for us.”
Bob glanced up to see her loving eyes and nodded, “If it’s for you, that might be the extra motivation I need.”
“Did you get any more hugs from them today?” Loralee asked teasingly.
“Yeah,” Bob grinned. “Yours are still the best, but it feels good to get hugged by them too. They were the only real physical connection I had, before you and Namida.”
“I know,” Loralee said. “Are you ready for dinner?”
“Yeah,” Bob said, walking to the table. “I’m worried, though. They keep talking about Assassins going after the guild. Things might get really interesting going forward.”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine; Alburet is resourceful, and has surrounded himself with very able people,” Namida said as she headed for the kitchen. “I have Worm steak marinating, so it won’t be long for dinner.”
“Thank you. I could use my favorite meal tonight,” Bob said with a smile.
“We’ll get to that after dinner,” Loralee said as she took the seat beside his.
Loralee was surprised to see him when Bob appeared near midday. “Done already?”
Shaking his head, Bob sighed, “No, they just stopped for lunch. The Assassin’s Guild is targeting all their members. We had to help some of the weaker ones before they got to the restaurant.”
Taking a seat next to his wife, Bob looked around, “Where’s Namida?”
“Visiting Rachel,” Loralee said softly. “Do you think they’ll be a while eating?”
“I don’t know,” Bob said. “Why?”
“It’s been a while since it was just you and me,” Loralee said, her eyes filling with desire. “I love our wife, but sometimes I want you to myself.”
“Mid-afternoon delight it is,” Bob said and leaned in for a kiss.
When Bob returned home later that evening, he was chuckling to himself. Seeing the questioning look on his wives’ faces, he grinned. “Today was a funny day. Let me tell you about the Plague Wood.”
Bob spent the next hour describing in detail how the Colossal Brutes had been throwing around the group earlier in the day, before they figured out the easy way to deal with them. Loralee and Namida were laughing along with him as he acted out some of the funnier moments by throwing himself across the room, complete with sound effects.
“Your master does have some good people around him,” Namida said.
“Even Gerald is good, but he’s so uptight, wanting everything to be prim and proper in front of Marysue, while she just wants him,” Bob shook his head. “Poor idiot is going to die a virgin like that.”
“That’s the one Alburet wants you to not tease?” Namida asked as Loralee was finishing up dinner.
“Yeah, I’m supposed to behave, but he makes things so easy,” Bob sighed.
The two women exchanged a knowing look, but didn’t say anything. “Dinner will be ready soon,” Loralee said after a moment. “Get ready. I made the stew tonight extra spicy.”
“Oh, I love it when you turn the heat up,” Bob said as he headed for the bathing room.
“I love it when she gets extra spicy, too,” Namida giggled.
Bob was torn between feeling happy and upset; the day had been all over the board. He took some time sorting through everything while his wives sat on the sofa and sipped some wine.
“Husband, I take it things have gone better lately?” Loralee asked.
“Yes,” Bob said.
“You’re still troubled by something,” Namida stated.
“I didn’t get to explain earlier,” Bob mumbled. “This morning, we were out in the Lava Pits doing the quests. That first time was that fight with the Dragon Matriarch. Tiny, Stacia,
and I all died. We learned later that Master died after us, but he was resurrected by Marysue. Master lost his mind when Stacia was killed, which seemed to cause Karen and Fluffball to go into a frenzy, too.”
“They won the fight?” Loralee asked.
“Yes,” Bob nodded. “But I wasn’t useful in the fight. Stupid Dragons being resistant to fire...”