Tales from the Dead Man Inn Page 28
“What about the second time?” Namida asked.
Bob’s face clouded in anger as he recalled the incident. “Master and his wives were attacked by Assassins. Assassins and Bloodmoon, a Lunari Berserker that they kicked from Alpha Company a while back. We were useless,” Bob growled, sparks of flame filling his eyes. “Tiny and I did nothing but die, and the same happened to the others. Master was taunted by the Lunar bitch before she killed him.”
“Is Tiny okay?” Loralee questioned him.
Bob seemed to lose some of his fire at the question. “He handled it okay, but we were both upset for the rest of the day. I should check on him,” Bob finally said.
“We’ll go with you,” Loralee said as they set the wine glasses aside.
“Did anything else happen?” Namida asked as they were walking to Tiny’s home.
“We went after the Lunines in the Broken Sands,” Bob said before relating the fights there.
“The day ended well, at least,” Loralee said.
“Yeah, but they’ll be targets for every Assassin going forward, and if they attack us like they did today…” Bob trailed off with a grimace, before he pushed the expression aside and knocked on Tiny’s door.
Rachel greeted them, showing them into the main room where Tiny sat with his other wives. “Tiny, Bob came to see how you were doing?”
“We failed him,” Tiny rumbled angrily. “He died because of us.”
“We served him well during the other fights,” Bob said, walking over to stand in front of his friend. “He knows we couldn’t have done anything more.”
“That doesn’t matter,” Tiny roared, glaring at Bob. “I failed him, and he died because I failed!”
Loralee and Namida exchanged glances, quietly glad they hadn’t married a Destroyer, as this was a typical reaction when a master died. Before anyone else could speak, Rachel reached out and touched Tiny’s head while his other wives touched his arms.
“Dearest, we know it pains you when a master dies, but Alburet wasn’t upset with you, and even thanked you for all the hard work you did today,” Rachel said calmly.
“If he dies the Final Death—” Tiny began.
“He can’t,” Bob reminded his friend, “He’s Two-souled.”
Tiny seemed to deflate, “We still failed.”
“Yes, but we won’t next time, right?” Bob said, thumping Tiny’s knee.
“We will not,” Tiny nodded. A chagrined look settled on his face, “Sorry for my outburst.”
“We understand,” Rachel said soothingly. “Why don’t we have some dinner, and then you can tell us about all the good you did today?”
“We’ll be on our way,” Namida said. “I had dinner ready to cook, and I don’t want to miss making the steaks tonight. Loralee has been teaching me, and I want to apply what I’ve been learning.”
“Of course,” Rachel smiled. “Are we still good for dinner in a day or two?”
“Yes,” Loralee said as they headed for the door. “I do like making big dinners.”
As Rachel let them out, she knelt and gave Bob a hug, “Thank you for coming to speak with him. He just cares so much for Alburet that it affects him more when he fails.”
“I understand. I was mad earlier, too,” Bob said once the hug ended. “I’ll do my best to make sure he’s in a position to do more next time.”
“Thank you, Bob,” Rachel said before she hugged the other two.
“Shall we go see how my student is coming along?” Loralee asked as the trio walked out hand-in-hand.
“Yes,” Bob grinned, “I’m sure she’s learning fast.”
“I am indeed,” Namida said just before Bob vanished.
When he returned only a few minutes later, his wives were already home. “Sorry, they had some issues at the Lunari at the camp turning in quests, and he wanted us there to help back them up.”
“So you helped,” Loralee smiled. “You came back quick.”
“Alburet didn’t need us for more than show. When I mentioned dinner, he let me come back as soon as he could.”
“We should thank him for his consideration sometime,” Namida said.
“I’ve tried to get him to come over for an orgy, but he keeps saying no,” Bob said.
“Maybe we can just invite him for dinner?” Loralee said.
“That would be hard. You can’t get to Stormguard easily, and they can’t get here,” Bob muttered.
“We’ll work something out in time,” Loralee said as Namida brought dinner to the table. “Now come eat, dessert has been waiting and you can’t have any unless you eat your meat.”
“Yes, dear,” Bob said, skipping over to the table.
“I’ve lined up our next wife,” Loralee said casually, keeping her eyes on him.
“Huh? Already?”
“Oh yes. We’ve had a number of inquiries, since it was your master that got things changed so Infernals could be with their masters in Stormguard.”
“Who are you…” Bob trailed off, unsure if he really wanted to know.
“You remember Bruna?” Namida said with a smile.
“Bruna, your friend with the short hair and the scar down her spine?” Bob asked.
“Yes,” Namida giggled. “The scar you said that you would kiss the entire length of every night.”
Bob licked his lips, “She’s interested?”
“More than interested. We’ve been talking and she is nearly frantic to join us,” Loralee smiled broadly. “When I jokingly said we were going to have a free for all fight for the spot, her eyes lit up and a wisp of flame came from her mouth.”
“Feisty,” Bob breathed out in awe.
“That she is, indeed,” Namida smiled. “That will have to wait until later, though.”
“Master is leveling quickly, maybe it won’t be too long,” Bob said hopefully, his eyes lost to some distant thought.
“We can all hope,” Loralee purred.
The next few days turned into a blur for Bob. Alburet and his wives had been in a tearing hurry to level, knowing they would be going back into the Dead Lands. Returning home late one night, he found his wives waiting for him as usual.
“Sorry,” he said softly.
“We’ve kept dinner waiting,” Loralee said. “I take it they’re pushing hard again?”
“They got to level seventy-seven tonight,” Bob said, slumping into the seat between them. “It’s an early day tomorrow again, too.”
“Have they said why they feel the need to level so fast?” Namida asked.
“They’re talking with Vladimir Dracon about going into the Dead Lands, to the city of Peace,” Bob said tiredly.
His wives exchanged a look over his head, then Loralee scooped him up into her arms. “How about dinner in bed, and a nice massage to help you sleep?”
“You take such good care of me,” Bob murmured, letting her carry him off.
Bob returned home after the first day of traveling through the Dead Lands, wondering about the lack of Infernals and undead they had seen, just like it had been the first time. He was not expecting to find his wives waiting on a third figure, who was seated on the sofa.
“Mother…” Bob trailed off. “I didn’t know you—”
“It’s fine, Bob,” Mother said, cutting him off. “I just came by to talk with Loralee and Namida. Though, since you’re home, why don’t we talk as well?”
Bob swallowed as he walked over to the chair in the room and took a seat. “I don’t think we’ve done anything—”
“No, I’m not here to reprimand you or your wives,” Mother laughed lightly. “I have heard that your next wife is waiting for you to gain a bit more prestige or power. Bruna shall be a fine addition to your family; she will be the fierce one.”
“Thank you, Mother. You honor us by taking an interest,” Bob said weakly.
“I’ve heard that Alburet and friends have journeyed out into the sand of the Dead Lands again. They are
going for the lost city of Peace, is that right?” Mother asked with a polite smile, as she accepted a cup of tea from Loralee. “Thank you, dear child.”
“It is my pleasure to serve, Mother,” Loralee deferred.
“They are,” Bob said slowly. “Is that wrong?”
“No, not at all,” Mother smiled brightly before sipping the tea. “Such a delightful flavor, did you blend this yourself Loralee?”
“I did, Mother. How kind of you to notice,” Loralee blushed slightly.
Turning her attention back to Bob, who was decidedly uncomfortable, Mother sipped her tea again. “Bob, I will be wanting to know how they are progressing. Is that understood?”
“We didn’t see any Infernals today…” Bob trailed off.
“Yes, the wheels are already in motion,” Mother said. “You won’t be hurting your master at all. In fact, you will be helping him by telling me how the trip is going.”
“Why?” Bob asked, surprised by his own brazenness in asking.
“There are things in play that command more power than your master and his friends can combat. The Dark Lord and I have taken an interest, as we have debts to pay. I am not asking for secrets, nor for you to do any harm to your master and his friends. I just wish to know about their journey.”
Head bowing, Bob let out a sigh of relief, “You want them to succeed.”
“Yes, very much,” Mother said, setting the cup aside. “You will see in time, Bob. Powerful figures will be in play, and Alburet will need help to counter them. Everything will be arranged, so just keep your wives informed and they will keep me informed.”
“As you wish, Mother,” Bob said, bowing his head to her again.
“As the Dark Lord wishes,” Mother corrected gently. “I am but his hands where he is not allowed to touch.”
“Loralee, Namida, thank you for your hospitality. I shall have to stop by for tea in the future,” Mother said as she rose to her feet.
“I can give you some to take with if you would like, Mother,” Loralee said quickly.
“No child, that would remove my reason to visit, and I will be visiting you again shortly,” Mother smiled.
Bob got to his feet and, with his wives, escorted Mother from their house. When the door shut, he slumped against it. “What do I tell Alburet?” Bob whispered.
“Whatever you think best, dear,” Loralee said, picking him up. “Let’s pamper you. We all know the Dead Lands are a brutal place to be.”
“I’ll bring in dinner,” Namida said as she went to the kitchen.
“I’ll start on his massage,” Loralee said, carrying Bob to the bedroom.
Even being doted on by two beautiful women, Bob couldn’t help but worry what the city of Peace might bring, that had Mother interested enough to personally stop by his home. Chewing his lip, Bob felt his tension rising until Loralee began to massage him.
Relaxing for her firm touch, Bob let his mind drift. Master has always done the impossible... surely everything will be okay. What’s the worst that could waiting for us at Peace?
Rolland kept thinking about George and Barbara during the trip across the desolate sands of the Dead Lands. Laying there with Kim curled up next to him the night before the raid on Gwain’s Keep, he couldn’t shake his thoughts.
Arm tightening on him, Kim whispered, “We need to sleep.”
“I know,” Rolland sighed. “I just keep thinking about George and Barbara. I wonder if one of us will fall this time.”
“Don’t,” Kim choked, tightening her arm across his chest.
“Geoff, that asshole,” Rolland growled as he thought of the last member of their group.
They had never known how little Geoff had cared for the rest of them until that moment. Rolland could still clearly recall the argument that had transpired. Hands clenched in anger, he blinked when Kim kissed his chest.
“Stop thinking about him,” Kim whispered. “We should give our thoughts to George and Barbara. I wonder if they made it to Delta World? Maybe we’ll see them when our time comes.”
“We vowed that we would always group together,” Rolland reminded her, a sad smile stretching his lips up slightly. “I’m sure that George would demand that we group again.”
“He was one of the best,” Kim nodded, sniffling as she fought back tears.
“Barbara would have been proud of how well the raid is handling the mobs.”
“Yes, she was always a perfectionist on tanking,” Kim sniffled again.
Rolland held his crying wife tighter, his mind drifting back to the day they would always remember. Still, he couldn't help but wonder if the other natives would survive tomorrow.
Waking to the sound of the wind, Rolland smiled at the beauty next to him. Everyday, he was amazed that she had agreed to this relationship. They had known each other since they were kids, but it wasn’t until their trials that they started to get along. Their friendship had grown over the years, and after forming a party with others, they had only deepened that friendship.
When George and Barbara had told them of their impending wedding, both Rolland and Kim had exchanged a look. “Oh, beauty of the morning, it’s time to wake,” Rolland teased Kim, knowing she was anything but a wonder when she first woke up.
“Rolland,” Kim huffed as her eyes slitted open, “I’ve warned you about teasing me in the mornings.”
Seeing her awake, he claimed a kiss and startled her, allowing the kiss to deepen. When the kiss finally came to an end, he stared into her eyes, “Yes. I just want to reaffirm how lovely you are to me. I don't mean to tease.” Lips curling up at the corners, he quickly added, “Well, not much anyway.”
Pushing him away, Kim grumbled as she got to her feet and started to grab her leathers. “You are going to regret doing this one day.”
“I don’t believe you,” Rolland said, watching her dress. “I will never regret having you in my life.”
Looking over her shoulder at him, Kim shook her head, “Not what I meant.”
Rolland grinned as he stood up and began gathering his own armor. “I figured, but today and everyday I wake to find you beside me, the world is the best it can ever be.”
“Always flattering me,” Kim said, looking away from him as she shimmied on her pants.
“It’s not flattery if it’s the truth,” Rolland replied.
“Barbara said they are getting married after we take the Keep today,” Kim said slowly as she started to put her top on. “I was thinking…” Trailing off, Kim bit her lip.
“I would be the happiest man in the world to become your husband,” Rolland said from just behind her.
Whirling, she found him on a single knee with a ring in his hand. “Rolland?” Her breath caught as her eyes widened.
“Kim Springbreaker,” Rolland swallowed before he continued, “would you consent to making me the luckiest man in the world and become my wife before the altar of Peace?”
Hands shaking, she extended her hand to him, “Oh, you poor fool… of course I do.” Tears escaped her eyes as Rolland slid the ring onto her finger.
Taking her now bejeweled hand in his, he kissed it before standing and kissing her deeply. A cough from outside their tent broke the kiss.
“Oy, we’re breaking camp you two. Shake a leg,” Geoff snorted. “I swear... with the two sets of you, a man just can’t find reliable companions.”
Rolland rolled his eyes at Geoff’s attitude. “I swear he doesn’t know what love is.”
“He’s our friend,” Kim said as she looked down at the ring on her hand, her top on but unfastened.
Rolland smiled at her and began to button her top closed. “Come on, soon-to-be-wife. We don’t wish to keep the others waiting.”
Shaking her head while her eyes were shining with happiness, she let him close her top. “I wonder if Barbara will be okay with a double ceremony?”
“Like she wouldn’t be,” Rolland chuckled as he went back to grabbing
up the rest of their gear.
“I’ll hurry,” Kim said, picking up her belt to finish getting dressed.
“I’ll let them know,” Rolland said as he moved to the tent flap.
“Wait—” Kim said, quickly reaching out.
“I’ll let them know you’ll be out shortly. You can tell them the news once you’re ready,” Rolland cut in to let her know what he had meant.