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Tales from the Dead Man Inn Page 9

  Lilith’s breath caught in her throat as his eyes devoured her. She finally managed to reply, her voice softer than Tabitha’s had been, “Lilith, if it pleases you, master.”

  Alistern’s eyes danced with happiness as he took her hand and brought it to his lips, “Lilith. I feel as if tha’ name should be carved into me soul.”

  She took a half step forward, whispering, “Please.” She blinked as she came back to her senses, realizing what she had just done. She was still in shock when Alistern took her into his arms and kissed her softly, but with passion, as if claiming her very soul. Unbidden, a small moan came from her as she felt her desire spike. She clung to the man she called master and felt a spark of something start to warm her very core.

  Stewart sighed as he watched his friend, “Get a damn room, Alistern. Your family owns the inn, after all.” Looking back at Tabitha, Stewart gave her a pained smile. “I’m sorry for my friend’s lack of manners.”

  Tabitha, frowning slightly, asked, “Do I not please you as much as she does him?” She looked up at Stewart, clearly afraid that he would push her away.

  Blinking, Stewart shook his head, “Gods, no! You are a vision of darkness incarnate. I am just not a public lover like my friend is. Come with me Tabitha, and I’ll show you where I sleep.” He moved toward a doorway barely visible on the far wall, still holding her hand and smiling at her.

  A small pleased sound came from her as she moved with him, hooves tapping on the stone. “As my master wishes.”


  Lilith shifted into her human guise at Alistern’s request. She took his proffered arm, beaming happily at him all the while. “Where are we going, master?”

  “To the temple ta see if a Priest be willin’ to join us. We need someone who can heal us if we want ta really progress and tackle some of the dungeons.” Alistern said, leading her out of the room and through the inn.

  Stewart met them just outside. He was seated on a bench, with Tabitha in human guise beside him, her head resting on his shoulder. “Time to see if we can find a Priest to join?”

  “Aye,” Alistern chuckled. “We have nay gone out in a week, after all.”

  “Your fault,” Stewart laughed. “I’ve tried the last two days to get the two of you out of your room.”

  “Aye,” Alistern conceded. “I could nay tear meself away from Lilith’s charms, though.”

  “So why today?” Stewart asked, his lips quirked up.

  “Da’ said iffin we did nay go back out, he would start ta charge us for the rooms.”

  “I thought so.” Stewart got to his feet and offered Tabitha his arm. “Shall we?”

  As they walked through Stormguard, Lilith met Tabitha’s eyes once. The Succubi exchanged happy smiles, knowing they each had found someone special.

  At the temple, the women were asked to wait near the door while Alistern and Stewart spoke with the head Priest. They rejoined the Succubi after only a few minutes, seating themselves on benches to wait.

  Some ten minutes later, an Elf came from the back of the temple, heading toward the group with a determined stride. A shield was strapped to her back over heavy armor and a sword rode one hip. She eyed the group for a moment with pursed lips. “You’re looking for a Priest of the Dark Lord?”

  Alistern got to his feet, extending a hand. “Aye, tha’ we are. Bein’ Summoners both, we know one of the few ways for us to heal our minions be with a Priest or Paladin of His. Ya seem to be a Paladin, though, nay a Priest.”

  “Well spotted,” the Elf said dryly, smirking. She shook hands with Alistern. “None of the cloth-wearing young ones are willing to venture out yet. If you would take a Paladin, I will join you to see if we can fight together effectively.”

  Stewart stood up, “What’s your name? I’m Stewart and this is Alistern.”

  “Almira Nighteyes,” she replied, shaking hands with Stewart. “The women are?”

  Alistern chuckled, “Ours.”

  Nodding, Almira figured out what he meant. “That is courting trouble here in the city.”

  “Only if we show our true nature. No Succubus would put their master in harm’s way like that.” Lilith said simply, getting to her feet and taking Alistern’s arm. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Almira. I’m Lilith.”

  Almira eyed her for a second before chuckling, “I see. Worry not, Infernal. I have no designs on him.”

  Lilith’s smile broadened slightly, “I do as he wishes. That is the only thing my being desires.”

  Alistern shook his head, “Shall we head out? We can try out the Orc Grasslands, see how well we can work together.”

  “We can grab the quests there,” Stewart added as he took Tabitha’s arm, noticing how she clutched at him just a touch tighter. He glanced at his Succubus and kissed her cheek, “No worries, Tabitha.”

  “As you say, master,” Tabitha replied, slightly abashed at what she had done.

  “Well then, let me grab the rest of my gear. I’ll meet you at the Portal Guild,” Almira trotted back into the depths of the temple.

  “This ought to be interesting,” Stewart remarked as they went back toward the inn to grab their gear. “Two Destroyers and a Paladin. Going to be very heavy on the tank end of things.”

  “Which should be funny now that we have the ladies ta Daze some of the mobs, as well,” Alistern laughed.


  The night after the Orc Grasslands, they all retired to a new café that had opened in Stormguard. The décor was quite different from what they were used to, the least of which being that the staff were all dressed in maid and butler outfits.

  “That went better than I had thought possible,” Almira told the others as she eyed their Dwarven butler. “If you’re amenable, we can meet up at the Portal Guild tomorrow and see what we can all achieve together.”

  Alistern chuckled, “Aye, sounds fine. Once ya let the Destroyers trade off with ya, things went even better.”

  “No tank likes not being the one to hold the mobs, but yes, trading lets us all recover more easily between fights. That leaves my limited mana pool available for healing any critical damage.” Almira smiled at the butler as he set her coffee before her. “Thank you.”

  The Dwarf bowed, “Me pleasure, mistress.” He walked off, aware of her eyes following him as the group toasted their success.

  “Tomorrow, we can try out the Goblin Villages,” Stewart said, bringing her attention back to the group. “We might want to see about a Trapsmith; I hear there are traps out there.”

  “We don’t need one, but it is your group,” Almira said dismissively.

  They spent the evening recalling the highlights of the day, moments when each of them felt their teamwork had worked out especially well. Eventually, they called it a night and went their separate ways; Almira back to the temple, and the men and their Succubi to the Dead Man Inn.

  Once the door to their room had shut behind Alistern, he snagged Lilith and pulled her to him. “Ya did nay seem to get jealous over her bein’ with us like Tabitha did at the start.”

  “I am yours, master. If you wish her to join us, I would not object. She seems to like them shorter and broader, though.”

  Chuckling, he nibbled her neck, “Aye, saw the way she looked at tha poor butler. So ya willin’ to entertain more than just me?”

  Shivering as she felt her desire rise, she whispered, “Anything you wish, master. Just let me stay here with you. I’ll share you gladly as long as you let me stay with you.”

  Alistern met her eyes and saw her honesty, “Now tha’ be somethin’ nay many men would be turnin’ down. I be thinkin’ tha’ ya alone mayhap be more than enough for me.”

  Shrugging off her clothes, she let her hunger for him be plainly seen. “I need you. Please, master.”

  His grin widened as he shucked his own clothing, “No sane man be tellin’ ya no to tha’, either.”


  The next day, the group headed out to the Goblin Village. As they approache
d, they spotted a lone Dwarf on the outskirts, having a difficult time of it. The Dwarf managed to dispatch his foe and sat down abruptly, panting. Alistern coughed once. “Havin’ trouble?”

  Looking back, the younger Dwarf shrugged, “Solo killin’ always be trouble. Ye seem to have a group though, so ye should be fine.”

  “What be ya name and class?” Alistern asked.

  “Grimgar Smith, Trapsmith,” Grimgar replied as he got back to his feet. “Who might ye all be?”

  Alistern introduced his companions. “Ya can be joinin’ us for the day, iffin ya want.”

  Almira pursed her lips as she looked over the Dwarf, “Is he worth it? He seems a mite scrawny for a Dwarf.”

  Grimgar’s lips twisted slightly as he faced the Elf, “Says the woman tha’ be all bones and ears. I will be worth more than ye in this place. Traps litter the ground and walls, so iffin ya do nay mind findin’ them the hard way, then feel free.”

  Alistern interrupted them, “Tha’ be enough from tha both of ya. We be here to kill Goblins, nay fight each other. Grimgar, ya be welcome to our group for tha day. Ya both need to give tha other a chance.”

  Almira gave a curt nod, “For today.”

  Grimgar shrugged, “I be givin’ her the same chance she be givin’ me.”

  Throughout the day, Grimgar moved ahead of the others, disarming traps as they went. They discovered that the traps could be used to their benefit if Grimgar could set one off when a mob was right on top of it. The sun was dropping toward the far horizon and they’d just decided to call it a day when Grimgar suddenly shoved Almira hard from the side, making her stumble and go down to one knee.

  “What the hell?” Almira snapped, her head whipping around to glare at Grimgar.

  Grimgar’s face was twisted in pain, and she finally noticed the metal trap that encased his foot. “Ye were about to step in this here trap. I did nay see it ‘til just before I shoved ye.” His hands were working on the latch of the trap while he talked.

  Almira took a deep breath as she watched the Dwarf, feeling a little bad about riding him so hard all day. As soon as Grimgar got his foot free, she immediately healed him, something she had not done all day. “Thank you,” she mumbled softly and walked away.

  Grimgar’s mouth opened and closed a few times as he shook his head. “My pleasure, miss,” he said almost as softly.

  “How about dinner, on me?” Alistern asked.

  “Where at?” Grimgar asked curiously.

  “Dead Man Inn,” Alistern chuckled. “The food is good and it’s a price I can handle.”

  “Free,” Stewart coughed.

  “Eh, free? Why be tha’?” Grimgar asked.

  “Family,” Alistern replied, glaring a little at Stewart. Stewart just chuckled.

  “Sounds good to me,” Grimgar laughed, slapping Alistern on the back.

  “I will come as well,” Almira added. “We made a good team today. We should celebrate our newest member.”

  Alistern and Stewart raised their brows at her sudden acceptance of Grimgar. “Well then, a party it shall be,” Alistern said.


  Lilith regarded Almira with a bit of surprise. “You’re asking how to show a man that you are interested in him without being overt?”

  Almira looked over at the guys at the bar, nodding once. “I find that over the last few years, I have taken a liking to him. More than a liking. My family would have kittens if they found out, though. So, how can I test the waters without giving things away? In case he doesn’t feel the same?”

  Chewing her lip, Lilith mulled over what she needed to say. “He is interested,” she began, “and he is just as worried as you are, Almira. He has similar issues holding him back.”

  Sipping her wine, Almira looked over at Grimgar again. “I can’t just ask him... not after all the shit I’ve given him.”

  “How about getting drunk with him?” Lilith suggested. “People often speak more plainly when they’ve imbibed too much. It will give you both a chance to say what you really want to each other, and if it goes badly, you can play it off.”

  Nodding, Almira smiled, “I can work with that.” She refilled her glass from the bottle on the table as the men came over carrying a few pitchers of ale and mugs. When they all sat, she looked at Grimgar with a challenging smirk. “Hey stubby, why don’t you have a mug to suit your size?”

  Grimgar prickled at her words, “Ye nay give me any slack. It has been years, Almira. We work well together, so why do ye nay give me a break already?”

  “Okay, I’ll give you a chance,” She waved to the barmaid. “I need two more bottles, please, and the Dwarf needs two pitchers of his own.” She handed over a few gold before turning back to Grimgar. “Last one to fall over has to do what the other says for a full day.”

  Grimgar’s beard bristled, “Ye should nay challenge a Dwarf like this. I’ll make ye pay for every slight ye’ve heaped on me. I accept.”

  Her smile sharpened, “I have never failed a drinking match. I think I will like my new footstool.”

  Lilith sighed internally as she watched them. Only the Succubi could feel the emotions under the words and smell the pheromones the pair put out. She leaned against Alistern, wondering just how badly this would go.

  Later that night, both the Dwarf and Elf were out cold on the floor. Stewart laughed, “At the same time? They’re so not going to be happy about that outcome.”

  Alistern laughed as well, “Serves them right. I be takin’ Almira up to her room. Ya grab Grim.”

  Stewart groaned, “Leave me the heavy one.”

  Tabitha leaned into Stewart’s arm, “I’ll help you, master.”

  He gave her a tender kiss before he stood up, “That will be wonderful, Tabitha.”

  Alistern and Lilith got Almira settled in a room, then returned to their own. After stripping Alistern down and pleasing him, Lilith snuggled up to his side. “Master?”


  “You never send me away. I was wondering... if you like my company as much as I hope?”

  He kissed her head where she lay in her demonic glory. “Aye, lass. Ya make me heart sing. I can nay tell ya just how much I be lovin’ havin’ ya at me side.”

  “I…” She paused before blurting it out, “I love you too, Alistern.”

  Lips pursed, he studied her face, “Alistern, be it? Do ya care for me even more than me just bein’ ya master, Lilith?”

  She trembled. She had tried over the years to conceal her feelings, afraid to give them voice. When she spoke, the words barely reached his ears, “Yes. My soul sings when I am with you. My blood boils when you touch me.”

  He pulled her tightly to him, feeling as though a weight had been lifted from him. “Ya silly little lass. I love ya just as much, but did nay want to tell the truth of me own feelin’s.”

  She raised her head to meet his eyes, and saw the same love and fear that she felt reflected in them. Her breath catching, she stretched up and kissed him softly, tenderly, as if afraid he would rebuke her.

  He kissed her back, wondering if perhaps he wasn’t going slightly insane to fall in love with his minion. He pushed the fear aside and basked instead in the sheer love he could feel radiating from her.

  When the kiss broke, he panted the words he needed to say, “Mayhap we should be thinkin’ about our future together,” he paused for a second, “as a couple.”

  Her eyes shot wide at his words. She began to pepper him with kisses, thanking him as she felt her heart bloom. She had never felt so loved or wanted as she had at this moment. Her whole being sang in joy at his words, and at the thought of being more than just his minion.


  They all stopped adventuring after Flora’s death in the Dead Lands. Alistern took over running the inn after the death of his father, with Lilith helping him. Grimgar and Almira each opened shops in Stormguard, and Stewart helped around the Dead Man Inn, also acting as a trainer for Summoners.

  “Alistern, may I
see you for a moment?” Lilith asked, leading him to the back room. She had finally worked up the courage to ask Alistern a question that had been on her mind for years.

  “What is it, Lilith?” he asked as she fidgeted before him.

  “Since we’ll not be adventuring any more… I thought the time was right to ask you for something I have wanted for so long.” She paused, but continued when he nodded at her. “Would you consider giving me your child?”

  Alistern froze, his eyes wide before he rushed to her and wrapped her up in a loving embrace. He kissed her hard before he pulled back. “Aye, lass. I been workin’ up the courage fer somethin’ more me own self.” He let her go and went to one knee before her, holding out a simple gold band adorned with a small diamond chip. “Will ya be mine forever?”