Tales from the Dead Man Inn Read online

Page 18

  Chris wrapped her in his arms and returned the kiss, seeing the joy in her eyes. “My beautiful healer. Thank you.”

  It took a moment for the two of them to remember they were in the middle of the field, and far from safety. Quickly getting to their feet, Chris led her back to the fort. “I’m happy for you, Deirdre.”

  “Thank ya, Chris. This nay would have happened without ya,” Deirdre said, her eyes shining with affection. “All these years I have been waitin’ for a Class, and with ya, I finally found it. I will be ya healer whenever ya have need of one.”

  Chris’ face flushed. “Would you consider the dungeon now?”

  “With ya as me protector, I would go into the Dead Lands without pause,” Deirdre said boldly.

  Chris chuckled, “We’ll hold off on that for awhile. Let’s turn in these quests and find a group. We should hurry, so we can get you back to the inn before your father finds out you’re missing.”

  “He will nay be able to stop me now,” Deirdre said firmly. “I be a priestess of the Dark Lord, chosen by Mother. I will be goin’ to the temple when we get back and pledgin’ meself at the Altar, as I should, and ya shall take me.”

  Chris bowed his head to her. “As you command.”

  “Aye. Now let’s go turn in these quests,” Deirdre said, taking his arm. “We will come out tomorrow to do the dungeon, but tonight we be celebratin’ me Class.” Deirdre pulled out her Mindstone and sent Lilith a message as they walked. “Me family has a tradition for a first hunt, and since ya were instrumental in tha’, ya will be comin’ with me after we stop by the temple.”


  The High Priest was surprised to see Deirdre and Chris enter the temple. “Evening, are you two coming for prayer?”

  “In a way,” Chris said with a broad smile.

  “I be comin’ to pledge meself to the Dark Lord’s clergy,” Deirdre said.

  Eyes going wide, the priest laughed. “Oh, finally. I have worried for you and your sisters for so long, Deirdre.”

  “Aye,” Deirdre’s eyes misted again as she fought back the emotions that had been welling up in her ever since she’d heard Mother’s voice. “Mother spoke to me when Chris took me huntin’. She answered me prayers and gave me the grace to heal.”

  Bowing his head, the old priest nodded. “It is a blessed day when a new priest enters the fold of the clergy. Come, child. Come to the altar and give thanks to the Dark Lord and his first wife.”

  Deirdre went to the altar with a light step and prayed humbly, thanking both the Dark Lord and Mother for their gift. She wondered why it had been withheld for so long, but banished the thought as unworthy of her new life as a priestess. After a few minutes of prayer, Deirdre stepped away from the altar, finding the High Priest, and the six other priests who had been in the temple, gathered on the other side of it.

  “Welcome to the clergy, child,” the high priest said before stepping back as the first priest stepped forward, holding out a set of black and red boots.

  “Welcome to the clergy,” the priest said as he gave the boots to Deirdre.

  The next priest stepped forward, a black and red leather tunic in his hands. “Welcome to the clergy, child,” the priest intoned as he handed over the tunic.

  It went down the line, with each handing Deirdre a piece of her new gear. Her eyes were wet as she thanked each in turn. When the last one handed over the gloves, Deirdre began to speak, but was stopped short by the high priest. “And for the last part, child,” he said, holding out an ornate black staff with red metal end caps. “A weapon befitting your new station.”

  “Thank ya all so much,” Deirdre finally managed, taking the staff and clutching it to her chest along with the clothing. “It means so much.”

  “I will send a letter with you for your father,” the high priest went on. “You are to attend the temple on the morrow. We will teach you your Class, then assign a protector to you so you may go out and train your magic and Abilities.”

  “I volunteer,” Chris said quickly.

  “As I knew you would,” the priest chuckled. “I was going to pair you as it was, Eveningstar, as she found her Class with you. I have been told by your mother that a dinner party is awaiting you at the Victory Lap. Before you go, change into your new gear so they know without question that you have been welcomed into the fold.”

  “Aye,” Deirdre sniffled happily as she was led into a side room by one of the priestesses.

  The night went by almost in a blur for Deirdre. The food was grand and her family was accepting—even her father, who cried a little when he read the letter from the high priest. Erin and Wilbur were there to celebrate as well, but Stacia and Alburet were not, which saddened her some as she’d hoped to thank him for pairing her with Chris.

  When dinner finally came to an end, Lilith slipped Deirdre the key to the same room that she and Chris had used after the wedding with a knowing wink. Chris took her home, and didn’t balk when she led him to the room.

  When the door shut, Chris knelt before her. “Priestess, I need to make amends to a woman who has shown me nothing but love, but whom I hurt badly. Only through your words may I finally be forgiven my sins against the delicate flower I treasure. Please guide me tonight in how to show her my feelings.”

  Deirdre’s heart filled with love for the strong, yet gentle, man who had helped her find something she had thought would forever been denied her. “Chris Eveningstar, the woman ya treasure returns ya feelin’s with at least equal measure. To make ya amends, ya should show her ya love tonight, and every night to come.”

  “I hear your words, priestess of my heart,” Chris said as he rose to his feet. “Deirdre Crowley, may I impose upon for the evening, that I might show you my feelings for you?”

  “Aye,” Deirdre said as she went to him, resting her head against his chest as he held her. “For as long as ya wish to.”


  A handful of days later, after Deirdre had gone through some training in her new Class, the high priest sent her and Chris out to hunt again so Deirdre could get some more experience under her belt.

  They had gone back out to the Goblin fort and cleared the dungeon with no difficulties, then headed to the Goblin Villages. As they were just settling into the groove of the area, a voice called out to them.

  “Sis, what ya be doin’ out here?” Stacia asked.

  Deirdre turned around and beamed at Stacia. “The high priest sent me an’ Chris out to hunt. I found me Class! I be a priestess of the Dark Lord.”

  Chris smiled broadly. “She has been quite eager to keep me healthy.”

  “Aye,” Deirdre said, “it be so wonderful to finally be able to do thin’s.”

  “Are you two going to be out here for a bit?” Alburet asked.

  “That is our plan,” Chris replied, “did you require assistance?”

  Alburet held up a finger, asking him to wait as he pulled out his Guildstone. He tapped out a message into guild chat, then squinted at Chris, seeing that he was level fifteen and Deirdre was level nine. “Have either of you considered joining a guild?”

  Stacia grinned, “Oh, tha’ be a wonderful idea.”

  “Going to invite them?” Karen asked.

  “Depends on them,” Alburet replied, keeping an eye on guild chat and sending another message. “What do you think?”

  Deirdre answered first, “Ya have been nothin’ but helpful to me family, Alburet. Ya gave me sister her dream, an’ gave Erin her freedom. An’ since ya came here, me an’ me sisters be findin’ our Classes, finally. Iffin Chris says yes, then so do I.”

  Chris glanced at Deirdre, then at Alburet. “The woman I think most highly of has vouched for you. You introduced me to her, and for that I owe you a rather hefty debt. If you will have me, then I accept.”

  Alburet tapped one more reply into guild chat before pocketing the stone. He tapped his interface a few more times and held out two scrolls, saying, “Welcome to Alpha Company.”

s shook hands with Alburet and Gerald while Deirdre hugged the women. “Is there anything we can help you with, now that we’re going to be in your guild?” Chris asked.

  Alburet grinned, “I have three damage dealers waiting to team up with you. They’ll be at the portal guild in a few minutes. I suggest you go turn those scrolls in, then meet up with them. That will give you a full group and you guys can really start to level. Also, once you’re in the guild, you’ll be in the running for a couple of guild quests I put up today.”

  Chris nodded. “Deirdre?”

  “Aye,” she hooked an arm through his. “Thank ya again, Alburet. We be seein’ ya later.” Stacia gave her sister another hug, then Chris and Deirdre vanished.


  As they walked toward City Hall, Deirdre’s smile was bright. “Ya know, he has made everyone in me family better for knowin’ him.”



  “I owe him the biggest debt I’ve ever owed anyone,” Chris nodded. “Without him, I never would have had the courage to speak to you.”

  “Ya be sweet,” Deirdre said.

  “Remember how I asked if you remembered me at the wedding?” Chris bit his lip as he asked the question.

  “Aye,” Deirdre looked up at him, wondering what he was concerned about.

  “I’ve always had a crush on you, ever since that first day you came to train at the temple all those years ago. It was you that led me to become a Paladin—I wanted to be the shield to protect you.”

  Deirdre stopped, pulling Chris to a halt as well. “Ya became a Paladin because of me?”

  “Yes,” Chris said simply. “I saw your struggles, and it was then that I knew I would become a shield for you. I kept trying to think of ways to approach you, but never found the courage. When your sister married, I worried that you might soon follow her so I came to the reception in hopes of seeing you again. That was when Alburet approached me and made my life’s dream, to be beside you, come true.”

  Eyes sparkling, Deirdre pulled on his chainmail, tugging his head down to her level. “I be as happy as ya tha’ it came to be like this. I would nay have any other beside me in my journey, now.” Their kiss was a long one, full of love and happiness.

  The kiss was broken by a polite cough. Turning, they saw a guard standing there. “Please move along.”

  “Aye, we be sorry,” Deirdre said as she took Chris’ arm again. “Let’s go embrace our new life together.”

  “As you command,” Chris said as they started toward City Hall again.

  Marian’s Story

  Sitting at the wedding table, Marian smiled when Alburet told them all that he would find someone suitable for each of them. Though she’d given him a nod, she wondered how he would pull off his boast. She had never talked to him before, so he couldn’t know her interest lay with the fairer sex.

  When Alburet wandered over toward another couple of people, her eyes narrowed slightly. Pursing her lips, she wondered just how daring her new brother-in-law was. Alburet was talking to a gorgeous dark-haired beauty he had brought to the inn before. Surely, he wouldn’t try to bring her into the wedding bed, Marian thought. She was snapped from her thoughts by Alburet’s voice.

  “Marian, may I present your companion for the evening? This is Karen, a Two-souled friend of mine you might have seen a few times before.”

  Marian’s face lit up like she had won the lottery. “Oh, now tha’ be the perfect match for me, Alburet. How could ya know tha’?”

  “I have my ways. Karen, this is Marian Crowley. If you would be so kind as to escort this lovely, and single, lady tonight?”

  “I would be delighted to,” Karen all but purred as she took the seat.

  “Ya have been at the inn before,” Marian said coyly. “I recall how gracefully ya moved.”

  “Maybe I can show you how graceful I am later,” Karen replied with a wink.

  “Oh, I be thinkin’ tha’ sounds like a plan.”

  “Tell me about yourself, Marian, please?” Karen asked, picking up her wine.

  Marian soon found herself talking freely with Karen, telling small stories that hinted at her attraction to the female form. Karen giggled with her when Marian talked about her first kiss with a young girl her own age who had been staying at the inn with her father.

  The stories were put on hold while the wedding gifts were given. Marian noticed a reserved air to Karen and wondered about it. Luckily for her, the dances came quickly after the gift giving, and she was determined to ask a question.

  Watching Alburet and her sister dance, Marian became aware of the way Karen watched them, and her lips ticked down. Maybe he be addin’ to ya family sooner than ya think, Stacia, Marian thought. When the dance ended, Marian felt a bit of melancholy as Karen had seemed to lose interest in her as the dance went on.

  Sipping her wine, Marian wondered when she could slip away without a scene, as Karen was obviously smitten with Alburet and Stacia. She wasn’t expecting it when Karen got to her feet and extended a hand.

  “Might I have a dance or sixteen?” Karen asked with a roguish grin.

  “Ya sure ya wish to dance with me?” Marian asked.

  “A beauty like you should always be shown off, so, yes,” Karen smirked, taking Marian’s hand and guiding her to the dance floor.

  They become entranced with each other as they danced, everything else seeming to fade as they focused on each other. Marian couldn’t help but feel a burst of hope as Karen spun her effortlessly around the floor.

  After a number of dances, Karen led Marian back to their seats. “You are very graceful, Marian.”

  “Mayhap it was me partner tha’ made it seem so,” Marian replied, batting her lashes at Karen.

  “I’m going to get a quick dance with my friend. After that, if you’re willing for a longer evening…” Karen let the words trail off.

  Chest warming, Marian nodded eagerly, “Aye, tha’ be fine.”

  Watching as Karen took a turn dancing with Alburet, Marian was struck by how suddenly reserved Karen was with him. When Karen returned, Marian stood up and gave the dark-haired beauty a brilliant smile.

  “Mayhap we should retire for a more private party? Me sisters are good at massages, but mine be better,” Marian suggested.

  “Oh… Stacia has given me one, and it was very good,” Karen stated with a raised brow. “You’re saying you’re even better?”

  “Aye. I will make ya melt all the way to ya core,” Marian said, offering her hand to Karen.

  “Now that is something I have to experience,” Karen grinned. “Let’s see just how talented your hands really are.” Taking her hand, Karen led Marian toward the inn.

  Marian was surprised to see her mother behind the bar, and even more surprised when she was handed a room key with nothing more than a smile. Not questioning why her mother was helping to facilitate her impending tryst, Marian led Karen to the room.

  “This be the room we be usin’ tonight,” Marian said, shutting the door behind them.

  “It looks fine,” Karen said as she turned and smiled heatedly at Marian. “Now, about this massage?”

  “Oh we be doin’ tha’ before we be doin’ more,” Marian said, pulling a vial of oil from her belt pouch. “How do ya feel about cherry blossoms?”

  “If that’s the scent that you plan to rub into my skin, I’ll love it,” Karen said, shedding her clothing.

  Marian’s eyes glittered as Karen stripped all the way down and got onto the bed. “Ya have such a wonderful figure,” Marian murmured as she walked over to the bed, stripping as she went.

  “I do my best to keep it,” Karen said, not even thinking about being in the game.

  “Ya just lie there and enjoy,” Marian murmured as she poured a bit of oil into her hand, then set the vial aside. After a few moments, she began working the oil into Karen’s back. “Nice soft skin and firm, lean muscles,” Marian murmured as she felt herself begin to warm. “I be thinkin’ tonight wi
ll be a night tha’ we both be recallin’ for a long time.”

  Karen relaxed under Marian’s firm, sure touch. “If you give me your best, I’ll gladly show you mine.”

  Both women were aware when Marian’s breathing suddenly hitched. Breathing out, Marian let her fingers do their work. “Oh, for tha’, ya be getting’ me very best indeed.”

  Marian did her very best, her hands sure, firm, and purposeful. Karen was almost a puddle by the time Marian leaned in and asked her to turn over. Waking from her near stupor, Karen did as asked.