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Tales from the Dead Man Inn Page 19
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Page 19
Marian murmured appreciatively and went back to work, her hands gliding over Karen’s supple flesh. She had to resist the urge to play with Karen’s nipples, as they almost seemed to beg for attention. Keeping it professional, Marian murmured softly as she let her hands trail down Karen’s firm abs. Focusing intently on giving the best massage she could, Marian bypassed Karen’s hips and went down one leg, then came back up the other. With only one spot left untouched, Marian looked up and saw naked desire staring back at her.
“I think your best has been achieved,” Karen breathed out huskily.
“Nay, but ya will see me best soon,” Marian said, letting her own desire come to the fore as her hands curled toward Karen’s inner thighs. “Ya be fine with full service, me be thinkin’, aye?”
“Damned right,” Karen gasped as Marian’s hands finally found her waiting sex.
Letting herself follow her desires, Marian set aside professionalism and lowered her mouth to where her hands explored the compact woman. “It be time for a more personal touch,” Marian murmured and let her tongue finally taste what she had been waiting for for most of the evening.
Karen’s hands guided Marian to just the right spots as she let her eyes close. “A very personal touch indeed.”
The next day flew by for Marian, her mind focused on what Karen had said before she’d left the previous evening. When Karen walked through the front door of the inn, Marian had the room ready, taking the coin from Karen with a broad grin.
Another night of massage and sex, with Karen slipping away again, made Marian wonder about what it all meant. She felt sated and happy, but she didn’t feel what Deirdre had been talking about; nor did she feel what Stacia had been talking about. There was a small something missing from the joy she felt with Karen, even though it was more happiness than she had ever felt with another.
When the next night came, Marian was surprised when Karen brought a friend. “Oh, she be wantin’ a massage as well,” Marian said once Karen explained it to her.
“Yes,” Karen replied, then leaned in close to her. “Fluffball isn’t ready for your best massage. I don’t think she’s been with anyone and is terribly shy, so treat her like a child, for me, okay?”
Marian nodded. “I can do tha’. After she be done…”
“She’s going to speak with your mother, so we’ll have plenty of time for us,” Karen said softly.
“Ah, she be the one Ma’ be helpin’,” Marian nodded, understanding more. “I will keep things just so for her.”
“I’ll show you my gratitude later,” Karen whispered, then dragged her nails down Marian’s back.
Shuddering, Marian nodded. “Aye, tha’ be reward enough.”
Fluff was trembling when she lay down for Marian, and had kept her bra and panties on. Marian gave her a smile and brought out some light vanilla oil. “Do nay worry, Fluffball, Karen will be right here with ya,” she told the Lunari.
“I’ll be fine, it’s just my first time having an oil massage,” Fluff managed to say.
“I’ll make it one ya will remember,” Marian told her as she began to rub the oil into the soft fur of the Lunari. “Just relax and let me work me magic.”
Fluff felt her anxiety start to fade and a lethargic warmth seep into her as the massage went on. Even when she turned over as directed, she felt only calmness as Marian massaged the oil into her arms, legs, and stomach.
“I know ears be a sensitive spot for Lunari,” Marian whispered to Fluff. “Did ya want me to work a little oil into them?”
Fluff felt some tension start to come back and shook her head. “No…”
“Then we be done,” Marian said, sitting back from her. “Did ya enjoy ya massage?”
Blinking as she came back to her senses, Fluff felt a languid relaxation she couldn’t remember ever feeling before. “Yes, thank you,” her puzzled expression cleared up, replaced by a small smile.
“It be me pleasure to help a friend of Karen’s,” Marian said, shooting a smirk at the Assassin.
“I need to be going. Lilith is waiting for me,” Fluff said as she quickly dressed and left the room.
“How was tha’?” Marian asked with a confident smirk.
“I think you know how you did,” Karen chuckled as she advanced on the maid with a predatory smile. “Now I think it’s time for me to repay you, hmm?”
“Tha’ sounds grand to me,” Marian said and began to undress.
Days flew by, and during the time she spent with Karen, and the occasional massage for Fluffball, Marian still felt as if something was missing for her, even though she enjoyed all she could.
Marian was looking forward to the evening, as she had been told that Alburet, Karen, and the others would be there for dinner. The dinner was near flawless and Marian was proud of how well she did her job. When dinner came to an end, she found herself giving a massage to the blonde priestess, with Karen sitting there watching her. A small part of Marian felt insulted that she was being babysat while doing a massage, but Karen had explained that Gerald was just overprotective.
Marian’s small happiness dimmed further when Stacia showed up, and Karen quickly let Stacia give her a massage instead of waiting for Marian. After the massage, Stacia looked over at her sister with a puzzled expression while they waited for Karen and Marysue to get dressed.
“Ya be unhappy?” Stacia asked.
“She be too eager for ya,” Marian said simply.
Staring at Marian for a bit, Stacia sighed, “She still cares for me a bit. I did nay mean to cause ya issue, sis.”
“I have nay felt the spark that ya and Deirdre talk about,” Marian said sadly.
“Mayhap she nay be the one for ya, or mayhap she just needs a bit more time,” Stacia said softly. “Alburet nay be willin’ to accept more into the family.”
“He be a fool, then,” Marian snorted. “Karen be special, I worry she just nay be me special one.”
Shaking her head, Stacia felt bad for her sister. She hadn’t intended to cause trouble between Marian and Karen. “Ya be knowin’ tha’ the Two-souled be leavin’ for a few days, aye?”
“Karen mentioned it,” Marian said sadly.
“When they come back, a few of them will be like me husband and will be here all the time. Karen will be one of them. Mayhap tha’ be what ya need, to be able to wake with her next to ya,” Stacia suggested.
“Mayhap,” Marian said, doubt heavy in her words.
Once Karen and Marysue were dressed, Marysue went back downstairs to find Gerald, and Stacia took her leave. Karen wore a languid expression on her face.
“You still give better massages, Marian,” Karen said.
“Aye,” Marian said sadly. “Ya be leavin’ for a bit after tonight.”
“I’ll be back, and then I’ll be here more often,” Karen said as she reached out for Marian. “We’ll have more time together.”
“Aye,” Marian said, pushing her doubt away and joining Karen on the bed.
Marian gave everything she had to Karen that night and got the same in return, but through it all, she still felt something missing. When Karen left her later that night, Marian lay there having doubts.
“Me sisters did nay have this trouble. Mayhap it is just me,” Marian murmured as an unrestful sleep came over her.
The days ticked by, and the lack of company seemed to settle more on Marian. Lilith noticed her daughter’s mood, which was very similar to Dierdre’s.
“Daughter, is something bothering you?” Lilith said, catching Marian moping in the kitchen.
“Nay, everythin’ be fine,” Marian said briskly.
“You know you can’t hide from me,” Lilith said simply. “Do you miss your friend?”
“Yes… and no,” Marian said, letting her sadness and uncertainty show. “I be needin’ advice, Ma’.”
“Good. Come, let’s talk,” Lilith said, taking Marian under her arm and leading the
m into the back room. “Tell me.”
Marian spilled her feelings and what had been eating at her. How she had felt about Karen, then the lack of spark that the others always talked about. How she had been missing Karen, but, at the same time, didn’t miss her.
“She may not be your special one, then,” Lilith said. “I understand wanting to find them, but it can’t be forced. Your special one will come in time, but before then, why don’t you enjoy what you have before you?”
“I have been, but I be feelin’ a little wrong. When they be near, I can see in her eyes tha’ she be pinin’ for Alburet and Stacia. Tha’ be what helped me see tha’ she nay be mine.”
Lilith sighed deeply, “Give it time, and if need be, stop seeing her. It’s been a few days. Do you still feel a need to see her?”
“I miss our time,” Marian sighed. “She be a good person and she be knowin’ how to make me feel good.”
“That is just young blood enjoying the moment,” Lilith said with a smile. “There is nothing wrong with that.”
“What happens iffin she sets aside her desire for them and turns to me? Then what be I to do?”
“Worry about it when it comes, and trust in the Dark Lord to guide us all,” Lilith told her.
Marian bowed her head. “If he would just help me. It be bad enough we nay be havin’ classes.”
Lilith frowned, as that was an old wound for the entire family. “He has his reasons for all things. Trust in him.”
Nodding, Marian got to her feet. “Aye. The Two-souled be comin’ back tonight. I’ll make sure a room be ready for her, as she said she be wantin’ to stay here.”
“Go, and know that I’m here when you need to talk again,” Lilith said, giving her a hug.
Much later that night, Karen showed up at the nearly empty inn. Marian was on duty behind the bar, as Erin had taken a position working for Alburet. Giving Karen a smile, she held out a key.
“I had ya room prepared, but I be on shift until later,” Marian said with a sad smile.
“Oh…” Karen paused for a moment before taking the key. “I’ll go grab a nap, then. Come wake me when you get off shift.”
“When me sis comes to take over, I will come see ya,” Marian said softly.
“I’ll look forward to it,” Karen said with a grin as she walked toward the stairs.
When Marian finally was relieved by Deirdre, she went to Karen’s room and entered quietly. Karen lay snoring lightly in the bed, naked atop the covers. Marian took a seat at the table and watched the beautiful, naked woman sleep for a time, wondering if she should do what she was planning.
Shaking her head, she finally went to the bed. Stripping down, she climbed in next to Karen. Letting her fingers and lips lead the way, she began to gently play with the sleeping beauty. It took a little while for Karen to wake, but when she did, the two of them became entangled in passionate embrace.
When they had finally wound down, Karen was grinning. “That’s a great way to wake up.”
“It be a good way to sleep,” Marian said with a smile.
“I need to get going,” Karen said as she got out of bed. “Are you going to be free tonight?”
“I will do me best to make sure I be ready for ya. I be sure ya wantin’ a massage, aye?”
“Damned right,” Karen said. “Feel free to sleep here so your sister doesn’t wake you.”
Marian still didn’t feel right, but did her best to enjoy the next couple of days with Karen. Two days later, she walked out to the common room and froze in place. Standing at the bar was a tall, statuesque, raven-haired beauty wearing very little clothing.
Heart beating fast as she stared at the woman, Marian swallowed hard. Slowly approaching, she caught what the woman was saying.
“I’m fine with that price,” the woman said, dropping coins onto the counter. “Can I have my key? I want to drop off my gear before I grab a bath.”
“I can show her,” Marian said.
Looking at Marian, the woman’s lips pursed and her eyes traveled over Marian’s body. “I won’t say no.”
Alistern grunted as he grabbed a key and handed it to Marian, “Room eight.”
“Follow me,” Marian said, leading the way.
As they climbed the stairs, the woman gently touched Marian’s shoulder. “What’s your name?”
“Marian Crowley, what be ya name?”
“Violet. I’m a Two-souled,” Violet said, leaving her hand on Marian’s shoulder.
“What be ya class?” Marian asked, trying to contain her nervousness.
“I’m a Summoner,” Violet said. “I’ve heard that this is a very good place to rent rooms. The leader of my guild used to stay here.”
“Alburet Two-souled?” Marian asked as she opened the door to the room.
“Yes,” Violet said, following Marian into the room. “There are some unusual stories about him.”
“He be a good man,” Marian said, feeling a little defensive for him, as he had done so much for her family.
“I’ve heard a few different things. Maybe you can tell me more,” Violet said as she crossed the room, taking a seat at the table and rolling her shoulders. “Maybe after a bath. I’m a little tense and could use a bit of relaxation.”
“I be good at massages, iffin tha’ be somethin’ ya be interested in,” Marian said, her heart beating faster.
Looking over at her, Violet smiled broadly. “Hmm, I do so love a woman who’s good with her hands.”
“I be needin’ to go grab some thin’s…” Marian stammered, feeling like a blushing maid before Violet.
“Hmm. Why don’t I go take a bath, then I’ll meet you here for the massage,” Violet said.
“Y-yes, tha’ be fine,” Marian stuttered.
“Good, I’ll be back,” Violet said and swayed out of the room.
Gulping as Violet left, Marian grabbed the back of the chair to steady herself, her legs trembling. “Darkness, be this what it feels like?” she muttered as she took a deep breath to calm herself.
She hurried down to her room to grab her best oils. Leaving her room, she almost ran over Lilith. “Sorry, Ma’.”
“Are you okay?” Lilith asked, feeling the excitement from Marian.
“I think I found me one,” Marian said excitedly, her eyes blazing. “She’s amazin’. Me heart beats hard just bein’ near her. I think I be knowin’ what the others always be sayin’ now.”
“That’s wonderful dear,” Lilith said, giving her a quick hug. “Isn’t Karen going to be turning up soon?”
Marian felt a small pit form in her gut. “Oh…”
“It’s okay, dear. You go ahead and I’ll deal with Karen for you,” Lilith said.
Marian frowned and looked down. “I should…”
“Dear, let me handle this for you. Go, enjoy yourself. Find out if she is indeed your one,” Lilith said with love.
“Thank ya, Ma’,” Marian said softly. “Please tell her I be sorry.”
“I’m sure you’ll get a chance to dear. But remember, she is a friend, which means you don’t have to stop seeing her,” Lilith reminded her.
“Aye,” Marian said, and started walking. “Let her know I be busy tonight, but tha’ tomorrow I be makin’ sure I have time.”
Shortly after walking away from her mother, Marian began to wonder what the night would bring for her. Her sisters had described how different it felt to be with the one who set them aflame with passion, and she was certain that Violet was going to be the one to do that for her.
Going back up to Violet’s room, Marian found it still empty. She quickly set things up for a massage; even warming the oil, since she had time. Shortly after she was ready, the door opened and Violet came swaying into the room.
“Did I keep you waiting?” Violet asked with a smirk.
“Nay, I just got everythin’ ready,” Marian said. “Iffin ya be ready for the massage, strip off ya clothes and lay down on the bed.”
p; Eyeing Marian as she slowly stripped off the robe she had been wearing, Violet could see the young woman doing the same. Once the robe had fallen away, Violet moved toward Marian. “About this massage, is it going to be everything you can give me?”
“Iffin ya want everythin’, I can do tha’,” Marian said, feeling her cheeks heat and her breath coming faster.
“I do so like the pretty ones, Marian, so please don’t disappoint me,” Violet said, gliding right past the aroused maid.